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Evolution of Orthonectida body plan
Evolution and Development ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-27 , DOI: 10.1111/ede.12462
George S Slyusarev 1 , Elizaveta K Skalon 1 , Victor V Starunov 1, 2

Orthonectida is an enigmatic group of animals with still uncertain phylogenetic position. Orthonectids parasitize various marine invertebrates. Their life cycle comprises a parasitic plasmodium and free-living males and females. Sexual individuals develop inside the plasmodium; after egress from the host they copulate in the external environment, and the larva, which has developed inside the female infects a new host. In a series of studied orthonectid species simplification of free-living sexual individuals can be clearly traced. The number of longitudinal and transverse muscle fibers is gradually reduced. In the nervous system, simplification is even more pronounced. The number of neurons constituting the ganglion is dramatically reduced from 200 in Rhopalura ophiocomae to 4–6 in Intoshia variabili. The peripheral nervous system undergoes gradual simplification as well. The morphological simplification is accompanied with genome reduction. However, not only genes are lost from the genome, it also undergoes compactization ensured by extreme reduction of intergenic distances, short intron sizes, and elimination of repetitive elements. The main trend in orthonectid evolution is simplification and miniaturization of free-living sexual individuals coupled with reduction and compactization of the genome.


Orthonectida 身体计划的进化

Orthonectida 是一个神秘的动物类群,其系统发育地位仍不确定。直链动物寄生于各种海洋无脊椎动物。它们的生命周期包括寄生疟原虫和自由生活的雄性和雌性。有性个体在疟原虫内发育;离开宿主后,它们在外部环境中交配,在雌性体内发育的幼虫感染新宿主。在一系列研究的直交动物物种中,可以清楚地追踪到自由生活的有性个体的简化。纵向和横向肌纤维的数量逐渐减少。在神经系统中,简化更为明显。构成神经节的神经元数量从Rhopalura ophiocomae的 200 个急剧减少到Intoshia variabili的 4-6 个。周围神经系统也逐渐简化。形态学的简化伴随着基因组的减少。然而,基因组中不仅丢失了基因,而且还经历了基因间距离的极度缩短、内含子大小的缩短和重复元件的消除所确保的紧凑化。直交动物进化的主要趋势是自由生活的有性个体的简化和小型化,以及基因组的减少和紧凑化。