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Taylorism, Worker Resistance, and Industrial Relations in Sweden
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-27 , DOI: 10.1017/s002085902300041x
Arvand Mirsafian

This article explores the influence of worker resistance to Taylorism on industrial relations in Sweden. By analysing archival material from workers at the Separator Corporate Group, the Metal Workers’ Union, and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, this article highlights the interplay between shop floor activism, discussions within trade unions, and central labour market relations. It demonstrates how rank-and-file activism compelled union leadership and the central labour market organizations to adopt a series of agreements in the 1940s aimed at addressing worker resistance to Taylorism.

Despite worker discontent, scientific management spread during the 1930s and 1940s. This eventually contributed to the Metal Strike of 1945, which had significant impact on labour–capital relations. According to the metal workers, scientific management, particularly time-motion studies, reduced their bargaining power by concealing labour processes and methods for wage determination, thereby allowing management a monopoly on knowledge.

Following the strike, negotiations between the Trade Union Confederation and the Swedish Employers’ Association resulted in the 1948 Work Studies Agreement. This agreement provided a platform for resolving conflicts and encouraging workers’ support of rationalization via the Work Studies Council. Worker resistance consequently drove Swedish labour market centralization, inadvertently promoting closer labour–capital cooperation.

This article argues, among other things, that although worker resistance failed to upend scientific management, it resulted in it being regulated within a corporatist framework. This highlights the important historical role local trade union activism has played in shaping labour market institutions and the broader political economy.



本文探讨了瑞典工人对泰勒主义的抵制对劳资关系的影响。通过分析分离器企业集团、金属工人工会和瑞典工会联合会工人的档案材料,本文强调了车间激进主义、工会内部讨论和中央劳动力市场关系之间的相互作用。它展示了普通激进主义如何迫使工会领导层和中央劳动力市场组织在 20 世纪 40 年代通过一系列协议,旨在解决工人对泰勒主义的抵制。

尽管工人不满,科学管理还是在 20 世纪 30 年代和 1940 年代传播开来。这最终导致了 1945 年的金属罢工,对劳资关系产生了重大影响。根据金属工人的说法,科学管理,特别是时间运动研究,通过隐藏劳动过程和工资确定方法,降低了他们的议价能力,从而使管理层垄断了知识。

罢工之后,工会联合会和瑞典雇主协会之间的谈判达成了 1948 年工作研究协议。该协议为解决冲突和鼓励工人通过工作研究委员会支持合理化提供了平台。工人的反抗最终推动了瑞典劳动力市场的集中化,无意中促进了更紧密的劳资合作。

