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Natural fermentation with delayed inoculation of the yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii: Impact on the chemical composition and sensory profile of natural coffee
Food Research International ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2023.113632
Hully Alves Rocha 1 , Flávio Meira Borém 1 , Ana Paula de Carvalho Alves 1 , Cláudia Mendes Dos Santos 1 , Rosane Freitas Schwan 2 , Luana Haeberlin 1 , Makoto Nakajima 3 , Ryosuke Sugino 3

All coffee production stages occur in a microbiome, which is generally composed of bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi. The use of starter cultures in post-harvest processing stages is an interesting alternative, since they promote faster removal of mucilage and incorporation of compounds that improve sensory quality, which can result in diverse sensory attributes for the beverage. This study was therefore developed with the objective of evaluating the effect of the following processing procedures on the chemical and sensory characteristics of the coffee beverage: first, fermentation of coffee fruit of the yellow Catucaí variety of Coffea arabica with indigenous microorganisms, followed by inoculation of the starter culture Torulaspora delbrueckii CCMA 0684 during the drying stage. The fruit was divided into two lots, which were differentiated by a natural fermentation process before drying began. The starter culture was inoculated on the coffee at different times during the drying process: at 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, or 72 h after drying began. The sensory attributes, the volatile compound composition of the roasted beans, the organic acid profile, the bioactive compounds, and the fatty acid profile of the green coffee beans were analyzed. The fatty acid and bioactive compound content showed little variation among treatments. Analysis of volatile compounds and organic acids and evaluation of sensory attributes made it possible to distinguish the two treatments. We conclude that natural fermentation of coffee fruit improve the chemical and sensory quality of the coffee beverage. The effect of natural fermentation may be before inoculation of the starter cultures or even during drying.


延迟接种酵母 Torulaspora delbrueckii 的自然发酵:对天然咖啡化学成分和感官特征的影响

所有咖啡生产阶段都发生在微生物组中,微生物组通常由细菌、酵母菌和丝状真菌组成。在收获后的加工阶段使用发酵剂是一种有趣的替代方案,因为它们可以促进更快地去除粘液并掺入提高感官质量的化合物,从而为饮料带来不同的感官属性。因此,本研究旨在评估以下加工程序对咖啡饮料的化学和感官特性的影响:首先,用本地微生物发酵黄色 Catucaí 品种的阿拉比卡咖啡品种的咖啡果,然后在干燥阶段接种发酵剂培养物 Torulaspora delbrueckii CCMA 0684。果实被分成两批,在干燥开始前通过自然发酵过程进行区分。在干燥过程中的不同时间将发酵剂接种在咖啡上:干燥开始后 0 h、24 h、48 h 或 72 h。分析了焙烧咖啡豆的感官属性、挥发性化合物组成、有机酸谱、生物活性化合物和脂肪酸谱。脂肪酸和生物活性化合物含量在处理间差异不大。挥发性化合物和有机酸的分析以及感官属性的评估使得区分这两种处理成为可能。我们得出结论,咖啡果实的自然发酵提高了咖啡饮料的化学和感官质量。自然发酵的效果可能在发酵剂接种之前,甚至在干燥过程中。