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Personal Values and Psychopathology in a Diverse Youth Sample
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10862-023-10087-z
Raul A. España , Cassandra M. Brandes , Allison N. Shields , Cheyenne M. Bates , Avanté J. Smack , Jennifer L. Tackett

Substantial research has examined the associations between youth personality traits and psychopathology, with little attention to the role that personal values might play. Previous work has indicated that youth’s personal values are related to, yet distinct from, personality traits. In adults, personal values are associated with psychopathological constructs such as depression, anxiety, and aggressive/rule-breaking behaviors; however, questions remain about the associations between values and psychopathology in youth, whether values moderate the association between traits and psychopathology, and whether values contribute incremental variance to psychopathology over and above associations with personality traits. The present study sought to answer these questions. Using a diverse sample of 350 children (Mage = 9.81, SD = 0.66 years, 185 girls) and their caregivers, we examined youth self-reported personal values, parent-reported youth personality traits, and parent-reported youth internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors. High hedonism, high power, and low universalism were significantly associated with externalizing psychopathology, and these associations largely did not differ across gender or racial/ethnic groups. Personal values did not moderate established trait-psychopathology associations. Finally, personal values incremented the prediction of externalizing, but not internalizing, psychopathology, beyond personality traits. Collectively, results indicate that youth’s personal values may capture different aspects of psychopathology than personality traits, particularly with externalizing psychopathology. Future studies should incorporate youth personal values for a more comprehensive understanding of the manifestation and development of youth psychopathology.



大量研究探讨了青少年人格特质与精神病理学之间的关联,但很少关注个人价值观可能发挥的作用。先前的研究表明,青少年的个人价值观与人格特质相关,但又有区别。在成年人中,个人价值观与抑郁、焦虑和攻击性/违反规则行为等心理病理学结构相关。然而,关于青年价值观与精神病理学之间的关联、价值观是否调节特质与精神病理学之间的关联、以及价值观是否除了与人格特质的关联之外还对精神病理学产生增量变化等问题仍然存在疑问。本研究试图回答这些问题。我们使用 350 名儿童(M年龄 = 9.81,SD  = 0.66 岁,185 名女孩)及其照顾者的不同样本,研究了青少年自我报告的个人价值观、家长报告的青少年人格特质以及家长报告的青少年内化和外化问题行为。高享乐主义、高权力和低普遍主义与外化精神病理学显着相关,并且这些关联在不同性别或种族/族裔群体之间基本上没有差异。个人价值观并没有调节已建立的特质-心理病理学关联。最后,个人价值观增强了对精神病理学外化而非内化的预测,超越了人格特质。总的来说,结果表明,青少年的个人价值观可能反映了精神病理学的不同方面,而不是人格特征,特别是在外化精神病理学方面。未来的研究应纳入青少年的个人价值观,以便更全面地了解青少年精神病理学的表现和发展。
