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Confirmation of the validity of the HLTV ranking
ICGA Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-20 , DOI: 10.3233/icg-230229
Jan Rejthar 1 , Vojtěch Kotrba 2

This paper aims to test the validity of the esports ranking system published by HLTV, which is widely recognized and used for ranking teams in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). The results of the study demonstrate that the HLTV ranking system has a reasonable level of explanatory power in predicting the outcomes of CS:GO matches. Furthermore, the study reveals that the difference in abilities between two consecutively ranked players decreases as their ranking in CS:GO gets lower, similar to tennis rankings, resulting in a pyramid-like structure. As a result, spectators, sponsors, and bettors can rely on the information provided by the ranking system to make informed decisions and enhance their viewing experience during tournaments.



本文旨在测试 HLTV 发布的电子竞技排名系统的有效性,该系统被广泛认可并用于《反恐精英:全球攻势》(CS:GO)队伍的排名。研究结果表明,HLTV排名系统在预测CS:GO比赛结果方面具有合理的解释力。此外,研究还表明,两名连续排名的选手之间的能力差异随着他们在 CS:GO 中的排名越低而减小,类似于网球排名,从而形成金字塔状结构。因此,观众、赞助商和投注者可以依靠排名系统提供的信息做出明智的决定并增强他们在比赛期间的观看体验。