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Tailorable morphology control of Prussian blue analogues toward efficient peracetic acid activation for sulfonamides removal
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy ( IF 20.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2023.123409
Yujie Cheng , Zongping Wang , Lisan Cao , Zhenbin Chen , Yiqun Chen , Zizheng Liu , Jun Ma , Pengchao Xie

Herein, the relationship between defined morphologies of Prussian blue analogues and their catalytic properties is comprehensively investigated. Solid Co-Fe-Cube and three different hollow morphologies (Box, Cage, and Frame) were successfully synthesized and exhibited distinct activation performance toward peracetic acid. The evolution of hollow interior led to partial disassociation of porous nanostructure, while Co-Fe-Cube with its solid cubic feature, high specific surface area (222.3 m/g), and excellent stability (minimal leakage of metal ions) achieved the best removal efficiency (around 90 %) of six sulfonamides in 15 min. Organic radicals including CHCO and CHCO are identified to play the dominant role, and Co-Fe bimetal synergic effect induces the regeneration of highly active Co(II) sites. This work provides new insights into the structure-activity relationship and paves the way for precise structure control and property modulation of advanced catalysts in water decontamination.



在此,全面研究了普鲁士蓝类似物的定义形态与其催化性能之间的关系。成功合成了固体Co-Fe-Cube和三种不同的空心形态(盒式、笼式和框架式),并对过乙酸表现出独特的活化性能。中空内部的演变导致多孔纳米结构的部分解离,而Co-Fe-Cube以其固体立方特征、高比表面积(222.3 m/g)和优异的稳定性(金属离子泄漏最小)实现了最佳去除效果15 分钟内六种磺胺类药物的效率(约 90%)。包括CHCO和CHCO在内的有机自由基被认为起主导作用,Co-Fe双金属协同效应诱导高活性Co(II)位点的再生。这项工作为结构-活性关系提供了新的见解,并为水净化中先进催化剂的精确结构控制和性能调节铺平了道路。