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Left behind places in Brazil: the dynamics of regional inequalities and public policies in the early 21st century
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-19 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsad035
Humberto Martins 1

This article aims to discuss left behind places in Brazil in the early 21st century. We conceptually debate the left behind places’ approach in dialogue with other contemporary theoretical perspectives. To evaluate regional inequalities in Brazil, we used the coefficient of variation, calculated at two different scales from 2002 to 2019 for GDP per capita, also considering social indicators. The results indicated a slow decline in regional inequalities. We debate the role of recently implemented public policies in this process, as well as the potentiality of these policies to identify left behind places and deal with them.



本文旨在讨论21世纪初巴西的落后地区。我们在与其他当代理论观点的对话中从概念上讨论了留守地区的方法。为了评估巴西的区域不平等,我们使用了 2002 年至 2019 年在两个不同尺度上计算的人均 GDP 变异系数,同时还考虑了社会指标。结果表明,地区不平等现象缓慢下降。我们讨论最近实施的公共政策在这一过程中的作用,以及这些政策确定落后地区并处理它们的潜力。