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CYP1A1 immunohistochemistry is highly specific for angiofibroma of soft tissue among morphological mimics
Histopathology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-19 , DOI: 10.1111/his.15070
Anna H Bauer 1, 2 , Christopher D M Fletcher 1 , Jason L Hornick 1 , David J Papke 1

Angiofibroma of soft tissue (AFST) is a benign, morphologically distinctive tumour type that harbours recurrent AHRR::NCOA2 fusions in 60–70% of cases and shows a non-specific immunophenotype, expressing EMA in roughly half of cases. The AHRR::NCOA2 fusion results in increased expression of cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1); a recent study demonstrated CYP1A1 immunohistochemistry (IHC) to be moderately sensitive and highly specific for AFST.


CYP1A1 免疫组织化学对形态模拟中的软组织血管纤维瘤具有高度特异性

软组织血管纤维瘤 (AFST) 是一种形态独特的良性肿瘤类型,60-70% 的病例中存在复发性AHRR :: NCOA2融合,并显示出非特异性免疫表型,大约一半的病例表达 EMA。 AHRR :: NCOA2融合导致细胞色素 P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) 表达增加;最近的一项研究表明 CYP1A1 免疫组织化学 (IHC) 对 AFST 具有中等敏感性和高度特异性。