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Effect of Porphyra haitanensis polyphenols from different harvest periods on hypoglycaemic activity based on in vitro digestion and widely targeted metabolomic analysis
Food Chemistry ( IF 8.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137793
Xiaochen Chen 1 , Yating Xu 1 , Xiping Du 2 , Zhipeng Li 2 , Yuanfan Yang 2 , Zedong Jiang 2 , Hui Ni 3 , Qingbiao Li 2

The hypoglycemic effect of Porphyra is well known. Based on in vitro digestion and metabolomics, the bioaccessibility, antidiabetic activity and phenolic conversion of P. haitanensis were investigated at different harvests. Total polyphenol content (TPC), α-glucosidase inhibition and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) increased with harvesting and digestion stages, reaching maximum at the fourth harvest. TPC and α-glucosidase inhibition after digestion reached 130–150 mg/g and 50–90 %, ORAC was 8.7–13.5 times higher than the undigestion. However, bioaccessibility in the first and second harvests was 10–80 % higher than other harvests. The phenolic content in the fourth harvest was up-regulated to 2–30 times than the first and mostly were citrus flavonoids. Redundancy analysis indicated significant correlation between phenolic metabolites and bioactivities in different harvests of P. haitanensis during digestion, with the strongest correlation coefficients were apigenin and genistein. This study provides reference for the application of P. haitanensis in treating type 2 diabetes.



紫菜的降血糖作用是众所周知的。基于体外消化和代谢组学,研究了不同收获的 P. haitanensis 的生物可及性、抗糖尿病活性和酚类转化率。总多酚含量 (TPC) 、α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制能力和氧自由基吸光度能力 (ORAC) 随着收获和消化阶段的增加而增加,在第 4 次收获时达到最高。消化后 TPC 和 α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制达到 130-150 mg/g,ORAC 达到 50-90%,比未消化高 8.7-13.5 倍。然而,第一次和第二次收获的生物可及性比其他收获高 10-80%。第四次收获的酚类物质含量比第一次上调到 2-30 倍,并且主要是柑橘类黄酮。冗余分析表明,不同收获的海丹松在消化过程中酚类代谢物与生物活性呈显著相关性,其中相关性系数最强的是芹菜素和染料木黄酮。本研究为海丹松治疗 2 型糖尿病的应用提供了参考。