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Wissenschaft des Judentums in Eastern Europe: The Origins of Hevrat Mekitze Nirdamim
Zutot ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-09 , DOI: 10.1163/18750214-bja10038
Jonatan Meir 1

The history of the Mekize Nirdamim (“rousers of those who slumber”) society is quite peculiar. When looking at its activities, one can speak of three distinct periods: a first period in Eastern Prussia under the leadership of Eliezer Lippman Zilberman, owner of the Ha-Maggid newspaper, a period that extended for ten years and whose success was largely located in Eastern Europe; a second period in Berlin under the domineering leadership of Abraham Berliner, a period, centered in Western Europe, that extended for over twenty years; and a third period in the Land of Israel, led initially by David Yellin, Simcha Assaf, and S.Y. Agnon. I will introduce each and focus on several points relating to the relationship between East and West, and Mekize Nirdamim’s ties to several other projects that threatened to swallow it alive. In doing so, I will draw attention to the society’s roots in Eastern Europe.


东欧的犹太科学:Hevrat Mekitze Nirdamim 的起源

Mekize Nirdamim(“沉睡者的唤醒者”)协会的历史相当奇特。回顾其活动,我们可以分为三个不同的时期: 第一个时期是在东普鲁士,由《哈马吉德》报纸的所有者埃利泽·利普曼·齐尔伯曼 (Eliezer Lippman Zilberman) 领导,这一时期持续了十年,其成功很大程度上归功于东欧洲; 第二个时期是在亚伯拉罕·柏林纳的专横领导下的柏林,这个时期以西欧为中心,持续了二十多年;第三个时期是在以色列土地上,最初由大卫·耶林(David Yellin)、西姆查·阿萨夫(Simcha Assaf)和 SY Agnon 领导。我将逐一介绍,并重点关注与东西方关系有关的几个要点,以及 Mekize Nirdamim 与其他几个威胁要活活吞掉它的项目的联系。在此过程中,我将提请人们注意该社会的根源在东欧。
