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“Keeping Things under the Rug”: Racial Dynamics in the Context of Large Immigration Raids in Rural Mississippi☆
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-15 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12515
Diego Thompson 1

A large body of literature has evidenced racism and other challenges experienced by Latinx immigrants working in the food system and rural communities in the U.S. Despite a large number of studies showing complex and difficult realities experienced by Latinx immigrants, little has been studied about how immigration law enforcement operations impact Latinx communities and racial dynamics in rural communities. Analyzing 26 interviews with Latinx organizers and allies involved in community responses in the aftermath of large immigration raids, this study examines how the raids shaped racial dynamics and local actions to address Latinxs' problems. Findings show the immigration raids were seen as an “invasion” that created fear, distrust, and racial stigmatization among Latinx immigrants. After the raids, Latinx groups and allies mobilized resources for the affected families, contesting the binary racial order. However, community responses were challenged by white supremacy and racism that aimed to keep “things under the rug” by ignoring Latinxs' problems created and exacerbated by the immigration raids. These findings highlight unique characteristics of ongoing racialization processes in U.S. rural settings and illustrate how white supremacy and racism continue to shape what goes on within and outside rural communities.



大量文献证明了在美国食品系统和农村社区工作的拉丁裔移民所经历的种族主义和其他挑战。尽管大量研究表明拉丁裔移民经历了复杂而困难的现实,但关于移民法如何实施的研究却很少。执法行动影响拉丁裔社区和农村社区的种族动态。这项研究分析了对大规模移民突袭后参与社区反应的拉丁裔组织者和盟友的 26 次采访,探讨了突袭如何塑造种族动态和当地解决拉丁裔问题的行动。问题。调查结果显示,移民突袭被视为一种“入侵”,在拉丁裔移民中造成了恐惧、不信任和种族歧视。袭击发生后,拉丁裔团体和盟友为受影响的家庭调动资源,挑战二元种族秩序。然而,社区的反应受到白人至上和种族主义的挑战,这些种族主义旨在通过忽视拉丁裔的需求来“掩盖真相”。移民突袭造成并加剧了问题。这些发现凸显了美国农村地区正在进行的种族化进程的独特特征,并说明了白人至上和种族主义如何继续影响农村社区内外的情况。