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Biogas Upgrading Using Cation-Exchanged Bentonite Clay
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c01635
Niels Mendel 1 , Igor Sîretanu 1 , Frieder Mugele 1 , Derk W. F. Wim Brilman 2

The separation of CH4 and CO2 in biogas, known as biogas upgrading, can produce two valuable gas products and prevent greenhouse gas emissions. One method hereto is (vacuum-)pressure swing adsorption that involves the selective adsorption of CO2 on a sorbent. This work evaluates three montmorillonite-rich bentonite clay sorbents (cesium-, monomethylammonium-, and tetramethylammonium-exchanged). These layered materials were specifically selected for their interlayer spacing that nearly matches the molecular size of CO2 and hence can exclude the larger CH4 molecule. Adsorption isotherms of CO2 and CH4 and breakthrough measurements of the gas mixture determined for powders and particles demonstrate unambiguously the ability to separate both gases. The sorbents show a CO2/CH4 selectivity at 20–30 °C and PCO2 = PCH4 = 0.5 bar in the range of ∼35 to 7, decreasing with increasing cation size. While diffusional transport inside cesium- and tetramethylammonium-bentonite particles is fast, it is severely hindered in the case of monomethylammonium-bentonite particles. Desorption with nitrogen-purge, at room temperature and without external heating, demonstrates fast regeneration, typically within several minutes for cesium- and tetramethylammonium-bentonite particles. Based on the fast kinetics and their good selectivity, cation-exchanged clays are considered a promising alternative for conventional sorbents that often suffer from a trade-off between adsorption and desorption kinetics and selectivity.



沼气中CH 4和CO 2的分离(称为沼气升级)可以生产两种有价值的气体产品并防止温室气体排放。一种方法是(真空)变压吸附,其涉及CO 2在吸附剂上的选择性吸附。这项工作评估了三种富含蒙脱石的膨润土吸附剂(铯、一甲基铵和四甲基铵交换)。这些层状材料经过专门选择,因为它们的层间距几乎与CO 2分子大小匹配,因此可以排除较大的CH 4分子。CO 2和 CH 4的吸附等温线以及对粉末和颗粒确定的气体混合物的突破性测量明确地证明了分离这两种气体的能力。吸附剂在 20–30 °C 和P CO 2 = P CH 4 = 0.5 bar 范围内表现出 CO 2 /CH 4选择性,范围为 ∼35 至 7,随着阳离子尺寸的增加而降低。虽然铯膨润土颗粒和四甲基铵膨润土颗粒内部的扩散传输很快,但在单甲基铵膨润土颗粒的情况下,扩散传输受到严重阻碍。在室温下且无需外部加热的情况下,用氮气吹扫解吸可实现快速再生,对于铯膨润土颗粒和四甲基铵膨润土颗粒通常在几分钟内再生。基于快速动力学和良好的选择性,阳离子交换粘土被认为是传统吸附剂的有前途的替代品,而传统吸附剂经常在吸附和解吸动力学与选择性之间进行权衡。