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Investigating C3 and C4 esters and alcohols in a diesel engine: Combined influence of carbon chain length, oxyfuel type, and oxygen content
Process Safety and Environmental Protection ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2023.10.036
Shadrack K. Musyoka , Ahmed S.G. Khalil , Shinichi A. Ookawara , Ahmed E. Elwardany

Diesel engines fueled by liquid fuels will continue to dominate the transportation and heavy machinery application market despite the advancement of other technologies. Studies have yet to be conducted to investigate the combined influence of carbon chain length, oxyfuel type, oxygen content, and blending ratio of esters and alcohols as additives in diesel fuel. The present study addresses this by preparing two sets of experiments using three-carbon (C3) and four-carbon (C4) additives, one at an equal blending ratio of 4% and the other at an equal oxygen mass content of 1.94%. Although the additives caused up to 24.84% rise in brake specific fuel consumption at low load, the value diminished to 7.86% at medium load and 11.63% at high load. The C4 fuels were found to have better NOx reduction potential than the C3 fuels. However, most additives significantly increased CO emissions, except for EE4.9 (4.9% ethyl ethanoate and 95.1% diesel), leading to 3.7% and 7.1% lower CO emissions than neat diesel at low and medium loads, respectively. Smoke emissions were also reduced by up to 32.84% when oxygenated additives were used. Although all blends tested are promising fuel alternatives in a diesel engine, EE4.9 provided the most suitable trade-off between engine performance and emissions.


研究柴油发动机中的 C3 和 C4 酯和醇:碳链长度、富氧燃料类型和氧含量的综合影响

尽管其他技术取得了进步,但以液体燃料为燃料的柴油发动机将继续主导运输和重型机械应用市场。目前尚待研究碳链长度、富氧燃料类型、氧含量以及作为柴油添加剂的酯和醇的混合比例的综合影响。本研究通过使用三碳 (C 3 ) 和四碳 (C 4 ) 添加剂准备两组实验来解决这个问题,一组的混合比例为 4%,另一组的氧质量含量为 1.94% 。尽管添加剂在低负荷时使制动燃料消耗率上升了24.84%,但在中负荷时该值下降至7.86%,在高负荷时下降至11.63%。发现C 4燃料比C 3燃料具有更好的NOx还原潜力。然而,除 EE4.9(4.9% 乙酸乙酯和 95.1% 柴油)外,大多数添加剂都会显着增加 CO 排放量,导致在低负荷和中负荷下,CO 排放量分别比纯柴油低 3.7% 和 7.1%。使用含氧添加剂时,烟雾排放量也减少了高达 32.84%。尽管所有测试的混合物都是有前途的柴油发动机燃料替代品,但 EE4.9 提供了发动机性能和排放之间最合适的权衡。
