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Cs3Bi2Br9/g-C3N4 Direct Z-Scheme Heterojunction for Enhanced Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to CO
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c01635
Yasmine Baghdadi 1 , Filipp Temerov 1, 2 , Junyi Cui 1 , Matyas Daboczi 1 , Eduardo Rattner 1 , Michael Segundo Sena 1, 3 , Ioanna Itskou 4 , Salvador Eslava 1

Lead-free halide perovskite derivative Cs3Bi2Br9 has recently been found to possess optoelectronic properties suitable for photocatalytic CO2 reduction reactions to CO. However, further work needs to be performed to boost charge separation for improving the overall efficiency of the photocatalyst. This report demonstrates the synthesis of a hybrid inorganic/organic heterojunction between Cs3Bi2Br9 and g-C3N4 at different ratios, achieved by growing Cs3Bi2Br9 crystals on the surface of g-C3N4 using a straightforward antisolvent crystallization method. The synthesized powders showed enhanced gas-phase photocatalytic CO2 reduction in the absence of hole scavengers of 14.22 (±1.24) μmol CO g–1 h–1 with 40 wt % Cs3Bi2Br9 compared with 1.89 (±0.72) and 5.58 (±0.14) μmol CO g–1 h–1 for pure g-C3N4 and Cs3Bi2Br9, respectively. Photoelectrochemical measurements also showed enhanced photocurrent in the 40 wt % Cs3Bi2Br9 composite, demonstrating enhanced charge separation. In addition, stability tests demonstrated structural stability upon the formation of a heterojunction, even after 15 h of illumination. Band structure alignment and selective metal deposition studies indicated the formation of a direct Z-scheme heterojunction between the two semiconductors, which boosted charge separation. These findings support the potential of hybrid organic/inorganic g-C3N4/Cs3Bi2Br9 Z-scheme photocatalyst for enhanced CO2 photocatalytic activity and improved stability.


Cs3Bi2Br9/g-C3N4 直接 Z 型异质结用于增强 CO2 光催化还原为 CO

最近发现无铅卤化物钙钛矿衍生物Cs 3 Bi 2 Br 9具有适合光催化CO 2还原成CO反应的光电特性。然而,需要进行进一步的工作来促进电荷分离,以提高光催化剂的整体效率。该报告展示了不同比例的 Cs 3 Bi 2 Br 9和 gC 3 N 4之间的杂化无机/有机异质结的合成,这是通过使用简单的反溶剂在 gC 3 N 4表面上生长 Cs 3 Bi 2 Br 9晶体来实现的结晶法。与 1.89 (±0.72) 和 14.22 (±1.24) μmol CO g –1 h –1与 40 wt% Cs 3 Bi 2 Br 9相比,合成粉末在没有空穴清除剂的情况下表现出增强的气相光催化 CO 2还原能力。纯 gC 3 N 4和 Cs 3 Bi 2 Br 9分别为 5.58 (±0.14) μmol CO g –1 h –1 。光电化学测量还显示,40 wt% Cs 3 Bi 2 Br 9复合材料的光电流增强,表明电荷分离增强。此外,稳定性测试证明了异质结形成时的结构稳定性,即使在光照 15 小时后也是如此。 能带结构排列和选择性金属沉积研究表明,两种半导体之间形成了直接 Z 型异质结,从而促进了电荷分离。这些发现支持杂化有机/无机gC 3 N 4 /Cs 3 Bi 2 Br 9 Z型光催化剂在增强CO 2光催化活性和改善稳定性方面的潜力。