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Can infrastructure help ‘left behind’ places ‘catch up?’ Theorizing the role of built infrastructure in regional development
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-12 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsad032
Grete Gansauer 1 , Julia H Haggerty 1 , Kristin K Smith 2 , Mark N Haggerty 3 , Kelli F Roemer 1

The application of infrastructure as a regional development tool in resource peripheries has received little direct inquiry in both policy and scholarly debates. This article synthesizes theoretical and empirical directions across economic geography, regional studies and critical infrastructure studies to form a research agenda for investigating the role of built infrastructure in the development of ‘left behind’ peripheral regions in the USA. We argue that infrastructural systems’ material, social, fiscal and political dimensions potentially deepen rather than mitigate structural ‘left behind-ness’. Future research and policy design must account for such dynamics if infrastructure interventions are to prove generative for regional development.


