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Metasurface enabled broadband all optical edge detection in visible frequencies
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-14 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42271-w
Ibrahim Tanriover 1 , Sina Abedini Dereshgi 1 , Koray Aydin 1

Image processing is of fundamental importance for numerous modern technologies. In recent years, due to increasing demand for real-time and continuous data processing, metamaterial and metasurface based all-optical computation techniques emerged as a promising alternative to digital computation. Most of the pioneer research focused on all-optical edge detection as a fundamental step of image processing. Metasurfaces have been shown to enable real time edge detection with low to no power consumption. However, the previous demonstrations were subjected to the several limitations such as need for oblique-incidence, polarization dependence, need for additional polarizers, narrow operation bandwidth, being limited with processing in 1D, operation with coherent light only, and requiring digital post-processing. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate 2D isotropic, polarization-independent, broadband edge detection with high transmission efficiency under both coherent and incoherent illumination along the visible frequency range using a metasurface based on Fourier optics principles.



