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Role of Statistics in Detecting Misinformation: A Review of the State of the Art, Open Issues, and Future Research Directions
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-13 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-statistics-040622-033806
Zois Boukouvalas 1 , Allison Shafer 1

With the evolution of social media, cyberspace has become the default medium for social media users to communicate, especially during high-impact events such as pandemics, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and periods of political unrest. However, during such events, misinformation can spread rapidly on social media, affecting decision-making and creating social unrest. Identifying and curtailing the spread of misinformation during high-impact events are significant data challenges given the scarcity and variety of the data, the speed by which misinformation can propagate, and the fairness aspects associated with this societal problem. Recent statistical machine learning advances have shown promise for misinformation detection; however, key limitations still make this a significant challenge. These limitations relate to using representative and bias-free multimodal data and to the explainability, fairness, and reliable performance of a system that detects misinformation. In this article, we critically discuss the current state-of-the-art approaches that attempt to respond to these complex requirements and present major unsolved issues; future research directions; and the synergies among statistics, data science, and other sciences for detecting misinformation.


