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Self-assembled monolayers in organic electronics
Chemical Society Reviews ( IF 40.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-07 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1039/c6cs00509h
Stefano Casalini 1, 2, 3, 4 , Carlo Augusto Bortolotti 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Francesca Leonardi 4, 5, 6, 7 , Fabio Biscarini 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Self-assembly is possibly the most effective and versatile strategy for surface functionalization. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) can be formed on (semi-)conductor and dielectric surfaces, and have been used in a variety of technological applications. This work aims to review the strategy behind the design and use of self-assembled monolayers in organic electronics, discuss the mechanism of interaction of SAMs in a microscopic device, and highlight the applications emerging from the integration of SAMs in an organic device. The possibility of performing surface chemistry tailoring with SAMs constitutes a versatile approach towards the tuning of the electronic and morphological properties of the interfaces relevant to the response of an organic electronic device. Functionalisation with SAMs is important not only for imparting stability to the device or enhancing its performance, as sought at the early stages of development of this field. SAM-functionalised organic devices give rise to completely new types of behavior that open unprecedented applications, such as ultra-sensitive label-free biosensors and SAM/organic transistors that can be used as robust experimental gauges for studying charge tunneling across SAMs.



自组装可能是表面功能化的最有效和最通用的策略。自组装单分子层(SAMs)可以在(半导体)和介电表面上形成,并已用于多种技术应用中。这项工作旨在回顾有机电子产品中自组装单分子膜的设计和使用背后的策略,讨论微观器件中SAM相互作用的机理,并重点介绍在有机器件中集成SAM所出现的应用。用SAM进行表面化学剪裁的可能性构成了一种通用的方法,可用于调整与有机电子设备的响应相关的界面的电子和形态特性。SAM的功能化不仅对于赋予设备稳定性或增强其性能非常重要,这是该领域发展的早期阶段所寻求的。SAM功能化的有机设备带来了全新的行为方式,打开了前所未有的应用领域,例如超灵敏的无标记生物传感器和SAM /有机晶体管,它们可以用作研究跨SAM电荷隧穿的可靠实验仪器。