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First records of two new silverfish species (Ctenolepisma longicaudatum and Ctenolepisma calvum) in Slovakia, with checklist and identification key of Slovak Zygentoma
Biologia ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11756-023-01526-z
František Bednár , Vladimír Hemala , Tomáš Čejka

In recent years, introduced synanthropic species of the order Zygentoma (especially Ctenolepisma longicaudatum and C. calvum) have begun to spread in Central Europe. The two above-mentioned non-native species of silverfish have also recently been confirmed in Slovakia. This paper aims to comment on the occurrence of the two non-native species in Slovakia, to compile an identification key for all (i.e. also native) Slovak silverfish species and establish local species names.


斯洛伐克首次记录两种蠹虫新种(Ctenolepisma longicaudatum 和 Ctenolepisma calvum),附有斯洛伐克 Zygentoma 清单和识别码

近年来,引进的合生目(Zygentoma)(特别是长尾草皮藻(Ctenolepisma longicaudatum)和牛草草藻( C. calvum))已开始在中欧传播。上述两种非本地银鱼最近也在斯洛伐克得到证实。本文旨在评论斯洛伐克两种非本地物种的出现,编制所有(即本地)斯洛伐克银鱼物种的识别码并建立本地物种名称。
