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Folding makes an imprint
Genes & Development ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.1101/gad.351216.123
Stefan H Stricker 1

Imprinted gene clusters are confined genomic regions containing genes with parent-of-origin-dependent transcriptional activity. In this issue of Genes & Development, Loftus and colleagues (pp. 829–843) made use of an insightful combination of descriptive approaches, genetic manipulations, and epigenome-editing approaches to show that differences in nuclear topology precede the onset of imprinted expression at the Peg13-Kcnk9 locus. Furthermore, the investigators provide data in line with a model suggesting that parent-of-origin-specific topological differences could be responsible for parent-of-origin-specific enhancer activity and thus imprinted expression.



印记基因簇是包含具有亲本依赖性转录活性的基因的有限基因组区域。在本期《基因与发育》中,Loftus 及其同事(第 829-843 页)巧妙地结合了描述性方法、遗传操作和表观基因组编辑方法,表明核拓扑的差异先于印记表达的开始。 Peg13-Kcnk9基因座。此外,研究人员提供的数据符合模型,表明亲本特异性拓扑差异可能是亲本特异性增强子活性以及印记表达的原因。