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5-HT6 receptor antagonists. Design, synthesis, and structure–activity relationship of substituted 2-(1-methyl-4-piperazinyl)pyridines
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2023.129497
Michał Gałęzowski 1 , Charles-Henry Fabritius 1 , Ullamari Pesonen 2 , Harri Salo 2 , Marta Olszak-Płachta 1 , Klaudia Czerwińska 1 , Justyna Adamczyk 1 , Marcin Król 1 , Peteris Prusis 2 , Magdalena Sieprawska-Lupa 1 , Maciej Mikulski 1 , Katja Kuokkanen 2 , Radosław Obuchowicz 1 , Timo Korjamo 2 , Niina Jalava 2 , Agnieszka Nikiforuk 3 , Mateusz Nowak 1

In this study, we present the discovery and pharmacological characterization of a new series of 6-piperazinyl-7-azaindoles. These compounds demonstrate potent antagonism and selectivity against the 5-HT6 receptor. Our research primarily focuses on optimizing the lead structure and investigating the structure–activity relationship (SAR) of these compounds. Our main objective is to improve their activity and selectivity against off-target receptors.

Overall, our findings contribute to the advancement of novel compounds targeting the 5-HT6 receptor. Compound 29 exhibits significant promise in terms of pharmacological, physicochemical, and ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) properties. Consequently, it merits thorough exploration as a potential drug candidate due to its favorable activity profile and successful outcomes in a range of in vivo experiments.



在这项研究中,我们介绍了一系列新的 6-哌嗪基-7-氮杂吲哚的发现和药理学表征。这些化合物表现出对 5-HT 6受体的有效拮抗作用和选择性。我们的研究主要集中于优化先导结构并研究这些化合物的构效关系(SAR)。我们的主要目标是提高它们对脱靶受体的活性和选择性。

总的来说,我们的研究结果有助于开发针对 5-HT 6受体的新型化合物。化合物29在药理学、理化和 ADME(吸收、分布、代谢和排泄)特性方面表现出巨大的前景。因此,由于其良好的活性特征和一系列体内实验的成功结果,它值得作为潜在的候选药物进行彻底的探索。
