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Knowledge Transfer Within Organizations: Mechanisms, Motivation, and Consideration
Annual Review of Psychology ( IF 23.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-03 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-psych-022123-105424
Linda Argote 1

Knowledge transfer—the extent to which one unit learns from or is affected by the experience of another—has the potential to improve the performance of organizations. Through knowledge transfer, developments made in one unit of an organization can benefit others. Studies have found, however, considerable variation in the extent to which knowledge transfers across organizational units. In some cases, knowledge transfers seamlessly, whereas in others, knowledge transfer is far from complete. This article reviews research with the aim of explaining the variation observed in knowledge transfer. Key factors identified as explaining the variation include knowledge transfer opportunities, knowledge characteristics, mechanisms for knowledge transfer, motivation for transfer, and the depth of consideration of knowledge. These factors are integrated into a theoretical framework that predicts when knowledge transfer will be successful. The article concludes with a discussion of directions for future research to increase our understanding of knowledge transfer in organizations.


