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A Retrieved-Context Theory of Financial Decisions
The Quarterly Journal of Economics ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-02 , DOI: 10.1093/qje/qjad050
Jessica A Wachter 1 , Michael Jacob Kahana 2

Studies of human memory indicate that features of an event evoke memories of prior associated contextual states, which in turn become associated with the current event’s features. This retrieved-context mechanism allows the remote past to influence the present, even as agents gradually update their beliefs about their environment. We apply a version of retrieved-context theory, drawn from the literature on human memory, to explain three types of evidence in the financial economics literature: the role of early-life experience in shaping investment choices, occurrence of financial crises, and the impact of fear on asset allocation. These applications suggest a recasting of neoclassical rational expectations in terms of beliefs as governed by principles of human memory.


