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Polarity-Sensitive Probe for Two-Photon Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Lipid Droplets In Vitro and In Vivo
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-02 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03047
Jie Sha 1, 2 , Weimin Liu 1, 2 , Xiuli Zheng 1 , Yimin Guo 1, 2 , Xuewei Li 1, 2 , Haohui Ren 1 , Yuanyuan Qin 1, 2 , Jiasheng Wu 1 , Wenjun Zhang 3 , Chun-Sing Lee 3 , Pengfei Wang 1, 2

Lipid droplets (LDs) are crucial organelles used to store lipids and participate in lipid metabolism in cells. The abnormal aggregation and polarity change of LDs are associated with the occurrence of diseases, such as steatosis. Herein, the polarity-sensitive probe TBPCPP with a donor–acceptor-π-acceptor (D-A-π-A) structure was designed and synthesized. The TBPCPP has a large Stokes shift (∼220 nm), excellent photostability, high LD targeting, and considerable two-photon absorption (TPA) cross-section (∼226 GM), enabling deep two-photon imaging (∼360 μm). In addition, the fluorescence lifetime of TBPCPP decreases linearly with increasing solvent polarity. Therefore, with the assistance of two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (TP-FLIM), TBPCPP has successfully achieved not only the visualization of polarity changes caused by LD accumulation in HepG-2 cells but also lipid-specific imaging and visualization of different polarities in lipid-rich regions in zebrafish for the first time. Furthermore, TP-FLIM revealed that the polarity gradually decreases during steatosis in HepG-2 cells, which provided new insights into the diagnosis of steatosis.



脂滴(LD)是细胞内储存脂质并参与脂质代谢的重要细胞器。LDs的异常聚集和极性变化与脂肪变性等疾病的发生有关。在此,设计并合成了具有供体-受体-π-受体(DA-π-A)结构的极性敏感探针TBPCPP。TBPCPP具有大的斯托克斯位移(∼220 nm)、优异的光稳定性、高LD靶向性和相当大的双光子吸收(TPA)截面(∼226 GM),可实现深双光子成像(∼360 μm)。此外,TBPCPP 的荧光寿命随着溶剂极性的增加而线性下降。因此,在双光子荧光寿命成像显微镜(TP-FLIM)的辅助下,TBPCPP不仅成功实现了HepG-2细胞中LD积累引起的极性变化的可视化,而且还成功实现了脂质特异性成像和不同极性的可视化首次在斑马鱼富含脂质的区域进行研究。此外,TP-FLIM揭示HepG-2细胞在脂肪变性过程中极性逐渐降低,这为脂肪变性的诊断提供了新的见解。