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Root microbiota confers rice resistance to aluminium toxicity and phosphorus deficiency in acidic soils
Nature Food ( IF 23.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-02 , DOI: 10.1038/s43016-023-00848-0
Chaoyang Liu 1 , Meitong Jiang 1, 2 , Mengting Maggie Yuan 3 , Ertao Wang 4 , Yang Bai 5 , Thomas W Crowther 6 , Jizhong Zhou 7 , Zhiyuan Ma 1 , Li Zhang 1, 2 , Yu Wang 1 , Jixian Ding 1 , Wuxing Liu 1 , Bo Sun 1 , Renfang Shen 1 , Jiabao Zhang 1 , Yuting Liang 1

Aluminium (Al) toxicity impedes crop growth in acidic soils and is considered the second largest abiotic stress after drought for crops worldwide. Despite remarkable progress in understanding Al resistance in plants, it is still unknown whether and how the soil microbiota confers Al resistance to crops. Here we found that a synthetic community composed of highly Al-resistant bacterial strains isolated from the rice rhizosphere increased rice yield by 26.36% in acidic fields. The synthetic community harvested rhizodeposited carbon for successful proliferation and mitigated soil acidification and Al toxicity through extracellular protonation. The functional coordination between plants and microbes offers a promising way to increase the usage of legacy phosphorus in topsoil. These findings highlight the potential of microbial tools for advancing sustainable agriculture in acidic soils.



铝 (Al) 毒性会阻碍酸性土壤中的作物生长,被认为是继干旱之后全球作物的第二大非生物胁迫。尽管在了解植物的铝抗性方面取得了显着进展,但仍不清楚土壤微生物群是否以及如何赋予作物铝抗性。在这里,我们发现由从水稻根际分离的高度抗铝菌株组成的合成群落在酸性田中使水稻产量提高了26.36%。合成群落收获根际沉积的碳以成功增殖,并通过细胞外质子化减轻土壤酸化和铝毒性。植物和微生物之间的功能协调为增加表土中遗留磷的使用提供了一种有前途的方法。这些发现凸显了微生物工具在酸性土壤中推进可持续农业的潜力。
