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Organic UV absorbents in the deepwater redfish (Sebastes mentella) from the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf: Distribution and human health risk assessment
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167515
Fella Moualek 1 , Mathieu Babin 1 , Geneviève J Parent 2 , Dominic E Ponton 3 , Caroline Senay 2 , Marc Amyot 3 , Dominique Robert 1 , Zhe Lu 1

UV absorbents (UVAs), such as organic UV filters (UVFs) and benzotriazole UV stabilizers (BZT-UVs), are used in a wide range of consumer and industrial products and they are contaminants of emerging concern in the environment. However, their occurrence and fate in the deep-sea environments are inadequately understood. This study investigated the occurrence and distribution of five UVFs and ten BZT-UVs in the muscle ( = 127) of 2019-collected deepwater redfish () from the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf (SLEG) (Canada) to better understand the accumulation of these contaminants in deep-sea fish. Small redfish (<30 cm) tended to have higher concentrations of UVAs in the muscle than that of larger specimens (>30 cm). The UVF 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (BP3) was the most frequently detected (present in 34 % of all samples) target UVA, with concentrations as high as 413 ng/g (dry weight). According to the N and C data, pelagic-eating redfish, and individuals with lower trophic levels had higher lipid content and accumulated more BP3 in their muscles. Four BZT-UVs were detected in redfish muscle, but the detection frequency was lower than 30 %. The estimated hazard quotient for these contaminants was <2.3 × 10 for general Canadian populations, indicating that they are unlikely to pose health risks to humans through redfish consumption. Factors influencing UVAs bioaccumulation in redfish, as well as the effects UVAs may have on deep-sea species, should be researched further.


圣劳伦斯河口和海湾深水红鱼(Sebastes mentella)中的有机紫外线吸收剂:分布和人类健康风险评估

有机紫外线过滤剂 (UVF) 和苯并三唑紫外线稳定剂 (BZT-UV) 等紫外线吸收剂 (UVA) 广泛用于消费品和工业产品中,它们是环境中新出现的污染物。然而,人们对它们在深海环境中的发生和命运还知之甚少。本研究调查了 2019 年从圣劳伦斯河口和海湾 (SLEG)(加拿大)采集的深水红鱼 () 的肌肉 (= 127) 中 5 个 UVF 和 10 个 BZT-UV 的发生和分布,以更好地了解这些污染物存在于深海鱼类中。小型红鱼(<30 厘米)的肌肉中 UVA 浓度往往高于较大的红鱼(>30 厘米)。UVF 2-羟基-4-甲氧基二苯甲酮 (BP3) 是最常检测到的目标 UVA(占所有样品的 34%),浓度高达 413 ng/g(干重)。根据 N 和 C 数据,中上层食用的红鱼和营养级较低的个体的脂质含量较高,并且在肌肉中积累了更多的 BP3。在红鱼肌肉中检测到 4 种 BZT-UV,但检测频率低于 30%。对于加拿大普通人群来说,这些污染物的估计危险系数<2.3 × 10,表明它们不太可能通过食用红鱼对人类造成健康风险。应进一步研究影响红鱼中 UVA 生物累积的因素,以及 UVA 对深海物种的影响。