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Bioinspired Cu(II) Defect Sites in ZIF-8 for Selective Methane Oxidation
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-02 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c06981
Ying Yang 1 , Siriluk Kanchanakungwankul 2 , Suman Bhaumik 2 , Qing Ma 3 , Sol Ahn 4 , Donald G Truhlar 2 , Joseph T Hupp 1

Activating the C–H bonds of alkanes without further oxidation to more thermodynamically stable products, CO and CO2, is a long-sought goal of catalytic chemistry. Inspired by the monocopper active site of methane monooxygenase, we synthesized a Cu-doped ZIF-8 metal–organic framework with 25% Cu and 75% Zn in the nodes and activated it by heating to 200 °C and dosing in a stepwise fashion with O2, methane, and steam. We found that it does oxidize methane to methanol and formaldehyde. The catalysis persists through at least five cycles, and beyond the third cycle, the selectivity improves to the extent that no CO2 can be detected. Experimental characterization and analysis were carried out by PXRD, DRUV−vis, SEM, and XAS (XANES and EXAFS). The reaction is postulated to proceed at open-coordination copper sites generated by defects, and the mechanism of methanol production was explicated by density functional calculations with the revMO6-L exchange–correlation functional. The calculations reveal a catalytic cycle of oxygen-activated CuI involving the conversion of two molecules of CH4 to two molecules of CH3OH by a sequence of hydrogen atom transfer reactions and rebound steps. For most steps in the cycle, the reaction is more favored by singlet species than by triplets.


用于选择性甲烷氧化的 ZIF-8 中的仿生 Cu(II) 缺陷位点

激活烷烃的C-H键而不进一步氧化成热力学更稳定的产物CO和CO 2,​​是催化化学长期追求的目标。受甲烷单加氧酶单铜活性位点的启发,我们合成了节点中含有 25% Cu 和 75% Zn 的 Cu 掺杂 ZIF-8 金属有机骨架,并通过加热至 200 °C 并逐步添加O 2、甲烷和蒸汽。我们发现它确实会将甲烷氧化成甲醇和甲醛。催化作用持续至少五个循环,并且在第三个循环之后,选择性提高到检测不到CO 2的程度。通过 PXRD、DRUV−vis、SEM 和 XAS(XANES 和 EXAFS)进行实验表征和分析。假设该反应在缺陷产生的开放配位铜位点上进行,并且通过使用 revMO6-L 交换相关函数的密度泛函计算阐明了甲醇生产的机制。计算揭示了氧激活的 Cu I的催化循环,涉及通过一系列氢原子转移反应和回弹步骤将两个 CH 4分子转化为两个 CH 3 OH 分子。对于循环中的大多数步骤,单线态物种比三线态物种更有利于反应。