迄今为止,关于主动吸烟与使用网片腹股沟疝修补术 (IHR) 后 30 天伤口事件关联的数据有限。我们旨在使用腹部核心健康质量协作 (ACHQC) 数据库确定在使用 mesh 的 IHR 时主动吸烟是否与更严重的 30 天伤口事件和其他发病率结局相关。
在 ACHQC 数据库中确定了所有接受选择性、网片 IHR 且有 30 天随访数据的成年患者。吸烟者被定义为在手术前 30 天内使用过尼古丁。对吸烟者和非吸烟者进行了 1:1 倾向评分匹配分析,控制先前显示与术后伤口事件相关的因素。使用卡方或费舍尔精确检验(分类数据)和 Wilcoxon 排名检验(连续数据)研究吸烟对 IHR 后 30 天伤口事件和其他发病率结果的影响。
共有 17,543 名患者符合纳入标准;1855 名 (11%) 在采用网片微创 IHR 时是主动吸烟者。共有 3694 名患者用于匹配分析。非吸烟者和吸烟者在手术部位感染发生率 (p = 0.10) 、手术部位发生率 (p = 0.22) 或需要手术干预的手术部位发生率 (p = 0.64) 方面没有统计学意义差异。非吸烟者再次入院的可能性显着更高,并且在 IHR with mesh 后所有疼痛领域的改善显着减少。
使用网片实施 IHR 时主动吸烟与更严重的 30 天伤口或其他发病率和死亡率结局无关。基于这些结果,所有接受 IHR 的患者术前戒烟可能不会降低 30 天发病率。
Association of active smoking on 30-day wound events and additional morbidity and mortality following inguinal hernia repair with mesh: an analysis of the ACHQC database
To date, there is limited data on the association of active smoking and 30-day wound events following inguinal hernia repair (IHR) with mesh. We aimed to determine if active smoking at the time of IHR with mesh was associated with worse 30-days wound events and additional morbidity outcomes using the Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborative (ACHQC) database.
All adult patients undergoing elective, IHR with mesh who had 30-day follow-up data available were identified within the ACHQC database. Smokers were defined as having used nicotine within the 30 days prior to surgery. A 1:1 propensity score matched analysis was performed comparing smokers to non-smokers, controlling for factors previously shown to be associated with postoperative wound events. The effect of smoking on 30-day wound events and additional morbidity outcomes following IHR with mesh was investigated using Chi-square or Fisher’s exact test for categorical data and Wilcoxon ranked test for continuous data.
A total of 17,543 patients met inclusion criteria; 1855 (11%) were active smokers at the time of minimally invasive IHR with mesh. A total of 3694 patients were used for the matched analysis. There were no statistically significant differences between the non-smokers and smokers with respect to the incidence of surgical site infection (p = 0.10), surgical site occurrences (p = 0.22), or surgical site occurrences requiring procedural intervention (p = 0.64). Non-smokers were significantly more likely to be readmitted to the hospital and had significantly less improvement in all pain domains following IHR with mesh.
Active smoking at the time of IHR with mesh is not associated with worse 30-day wound or additional morbidity and mortality outcomes. Based on these results, preoperative smoking cessation for all patients undergoing IHR may not reduce 30-day morbidity.