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Open access journal publication in health and medical research and open science: benefits, challenges and limitations
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bmjebm-2022-112126
Patricia Logullo 1, 2 , Jennifer A de Beyer 3 , Shona Kirtley 3 , Michael Maia Schlüssel 3 , Gary S Collins 3

Scientific progress, including in evidence-based medicine, requires all available evidence to be accessed, scrutinised, interpreted and used. Missing or incomplete evidence creates biases and errors in later research. Open science practices are movements and procedures that aim to increase transparency in science production. They aim to make scientific knowledge available, accessible and reusable, benefitting scientific collaboration and all society.1 Open access is a core component of open science that aims to help solve the problem of accessibility.2 Traditional publication behind a paywall can hide evidence from the public, clinicians, policymakers and other researchers. Whether online or print, traditional scientific journals maintain their content behind a paywall, with only abstracts freely available to read.3 Readers access articles by purchasing the individual article, the entire journal issue or through a subscription. These journal subscriptions are purchased by institutions like universities and libraries. However, readers whose institutions cannot afford these subscriptions or who are not affiliated to an institution are often unable to pay to access every article they need. Members of the public and readers in low-resourced countries are disproportionately affected.4 Open access is defined as making a document freely available for anyone to read and, depending on the licence model, share and use (Box 1). Scholarly publishers now offer open access routes for publishing journal articles such as protocols, commentaries, reviews and result articles. The academic community expects these publishers to adhere to the same quality standards as in traditional closed access publication, such as peer review, indexing and permanent archiving. Biomedical research has progressively adopted open access, with yearly increases in the percentage of articles available as open access publications and the number of countries and policies mandating open access.5 6 Online supplemental text 1 summarises national and international open access mandates. ### Supplementary data [bmjebm-2022-112126supp001.pdf] Box 1 ### Summary of open access journal publication What —Open-access journal …



科学进步,包括循证医学的进步,需要获取、审查、解释和使用所有可用的证据。证据缺失或不完整会在以后的研究中造成偏见和错误。开放科学实践是旨在提高科学生产透明度的运动和程序。他们的目标是让科学知识变得可用、可获取和可重复使用,从而使科学合作和全社会受益。1开放获取是开放科学的核心组成部分,旨在帮助解决可获取性问题。2付费专区背后的传统出版物可能会隐藏证据,不让公众知晓。公众、临床医生、政策制定者和其他研究人员。无论是在线还是印刷,传统科学期刊都通过付费墙维护其内容,只有摘要可供免费阅读。3读者可以通过购买单篇文章、整期期刊或通过订阅来访问文章。这些期刊订阅由大学和图书馆等机构购买。然而,所在机构无法负担这些订阅费用或不隶属于某个机构的读者通常无法付费访问他们需要的每一篇文章。资源贫乏国家的公众和读者受到的影响尤为严重。4开放获取的定义是让任何人都可以免费阅读文档,并根据许可模式共享和使用文档(框 1)。学术出版商现在提供开放获取途径来出版期刊文章,例如协议、评论、评论和结果文章。学术界希望这些出版商遵守与传统封闭获取出版物相同的质量标准,例如同行评审、索引和永久存档。 生物医学研究已逐步采用开放获取,作为开放获取出版物的文章百分比以及强制开放获取的国家和政策数量逐年增加。5 6 在线补充文本 1 总结了国家和国际开放获取规定。 ### 补充数据 [bmjebm-2022-112126supp001.pdf] 框 1 ### 开放获取期刊出版物摘要 内容 — 开放获取期刊……