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Teachers’ Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, Students’ Psychological Needs, and Positive and Negative Outcomes in Physical Education
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 , DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2022-0240
Héctor Moreno-Casado 1 , Francisco M Leo 2 , Miguel A López-Gajardo 1 , Tomás García-Calvo 1 , Juan J Pulido 3

Focused on physical education (PE), this study examined the association between teachers’ communication and students’ psychological needs, enjoyment/boredom, PE usefulness, and students’ grade perception. Participants were 1,000 students (572 girls; Mage = 14.58 ± 0.65) from 29 Spanish secondary schools. A path model including variables measured at three times was tested: teachers’ verbal/nonverbal communication (Time 1), needs satisfaction/frustration (Time 2), and PE outcomes (Time 3). Verbal communication positively predicted needs satisfaction, which, in turn, positively predicted enjoyment, PE usefulness, and students’ grade perception and negatively predicted boredom. Verbal communication negatively predicted needs frustration, which was a positive predictor of boredom. Multigroup analysis showed that gender did not moderate the associations in the path model, whereas mediating effects were found between teachers’ communication and consequences via students’ psychological needs. Teachers should improve their communicative capacities to satisfy students’ psychological needs and promote positive PE outcomes.



本研究以体育教育 (PE) 为重点,探讨了教师沟通与学生心理需求、享受/无聊、体育有用性和学生成绩感知之间的关系。 参与者是来自 29 所西班牙中学的1,000 名学生(572 名女生;M年龄= 14.58 ± 0.65)。测试了包含三个时间测量变量的路径模型:教师的言语/非言语沟通(时间 1)、需求满足/挫败感(时间 2)和体育结果(时间 3)。言语交流正向预测需求满意度,反过来又正向预测乐趣、体育有用性和学生的成绩感知,并负向预测无聊感。言语交流对需求挫败感有负面预测,而挫败感则对无聊有正面预测。多组分析表明,性别不会调节路径模型中的关联,而教师的沟通和通过学生的心理需求产生的后果之间存在中介作用。教师应提高沟通能力,满足学生的心理需求,促进积极的体育成果。
