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Speaking of diversity: Can linguistic structural differences explain cultural values toward equity, diversity, and inclusion across the globe?
Journal of World Business ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2023.101501
Karoline M. Summerville , Victor Zitian Chen , Amir Shoham , Vasyl Taras

We theorize that linguistic grammar structures related to gender, pronoun use, and politeness distinctions influence individuals’ cultural values toward diversity, including masculinity, collectivism, and power distance, respectively. Based on first-handed data collected from a large sample of individuals (N = 9,058) who speak various native languages, our analysis shows that languages require speakers to arrange words according to linguistic grammar structures that govern how team members perceive equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our study suggests that language is a salient source of diversity that can shape belief systems toward diversity, even after controlling for more commonly studied diversity dimensions.



我们的理论是,与性别、代词使用和礼貌区别相关的语言语法结构影响个体的多样性文化价值观,分别包括男性气质、集体主义和权力距离。 基于从讲各种母语的大量个体(N = 9,058)中收集的第一手数据,我们的分析表明,语言要求说话者根据语言语法结构来排列单词,这些语法结构控制着团队成员如何看待公平、多样性和公平。包容性。我们的研究表明,语言是多样性的一个重要来源,即使在控制了更普遍研究的多样性维度之后,它也可以塑造多元化的信仰体系。
