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Effects of the starting precursor on the properties of WO3 thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis
Emergent Materials Pub Date : 2023-09-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s42247-023-00557-1
M.H. Sayed , M.M. Gomaa , W.H. Eisa , M. Boshta

WO3 films were chemically prepared by spray pyrolysis method using different starting tungsten precursors. The WO3 layers were deposited at 450 °C and subsequently were heat treated at 500 °C in the air for 30 min. The effect of starting tungsten precursors on the physical properties and catalytic activity of WO3 layers was investigated. The results of XRD show that the WO3 films were crystalline and can be indexed to the monoclinic structure. The sample prepared using ammonium metatungstate precursor showed enhanced crystallinity and surface morphology. The diffuse reflection spectrophotometry shows that the obtained WO3 films have a direct bandgap about of 2.7–2.9 eV. Chemical catalytic activity was evaluated through the reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol. All prepared WO3 thin films showed catalytic activity; however, the sample prepared using ammonium metatungstate precursor exhibited much higher catalytic activity when compared to the other precursors, which is consistent with other results. Furthermore, this sample demonstrated good stability and recyclability.



采用不同的起始钨前驱体,通过喷雾热解法化学制备WO 3薄膜。WO 3层在450℃下沉积,随后在空气中在500℃下热处理30分钟。研究了起始钨前体对WO 3层的物理性质和催化活性的影响。XRD结果表明WO 3薄膜为晶体结构,属于单斜晶系结构。使用偏钨酸铵前体制备的样品显示出增强的结晶度和表面形态。漫反射分光光度分析表明,所得WO 3薄膜的直接带隙约为 2.7-2.9 eV。通过将4-硝基苯酚还原为4-氨基苯酚来评估化学催化活性。所制备的WO 3薄膜均表现出催化活性;然而,与其他前体相比,使用偏钨酸铵前体制备的样品表现出更高的催化活性,这与其他结果一致。此外,该样品表现出良好的稳定性和可回收性。
