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Professionalism and Artist–Teachers in Adult Community Learning in the UK
The International Journal of Art & Design Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-22 , DOI: 10.1111/jade.12473
Abbie Cairns

The professionalism of artists and further education (FE) teachers is often questioned. This research will evaluate the impact this has on artist–teachers working in FE. Schön defines a professional as an individual who works in a highly specialized occupation. This article examines how this applies to artists and FE teachers, with reference to historical and contemporary cross-disciplinary research. Published research focuses on professionalism in terms of meeting sets of criteria. However, research participants within this study were more concerned with the activities undertaken by artist–teachers and how these reflected their professionalism. The research findings focus on the perceived professionalism of artist–teachers in adult community learning (ACL), a sub-section of FE in the United Kingdom that encompasses adult and community learning delivered to adults aged 19+ but local authorities or general FE colleges.



艺术家和继续教育(FE)教师的专业精神经常受到质疑。这项研究将评估这对在富裕工作的艺术家教师的影响。Schön 将专业人士定义为从事高度专业化职业的个人。本文参考历史和当代跨学科研究,探讨了这如何适用于艺术家和有限教育教师。已发表的研究重点关注满足一系列标准的专业性。然而,这项研究的参与者更关心艺术家教师所开展的活动以及这些活动如何反映他们的专业精神。研究结果重点关注成人社区学习 (ACL) 中艺术家-教师的专业精神,ACL 是英国 FE 的一个分支,涵盖向 19 岁以上成年人但由地方当局或普通 FE 学院提供的成人和社区学习。