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The Effects of Psychological Resilience, Self-efficacy and Metacognition on Cyberbullying Among Adolescents
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-023-00946-9
Merve Güçlü-Aydogan , Pınar Ünal-Aydın , Orkun Aydın

Cyberbullying, which has become more widespread with individuals’ increased use of technology, occurs when someone or a group of people intentionally harms by using technology. Millions of adolescents spend time in the online environment, yet little is known about the effects of psychological resilience, self-efficacy, and metacognition on the risk of cyberbullying. A total of 574 high school students were recruited and instructed on the Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Cyberbullying Scale (CBS), Child and Youth Psychological Resilience Scale (CYPRS), Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C), and Metacognitions Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (MCQ-C). A negative correlation was found between education level, the CYPRS, the SEQ-C and the CBS. All subtests of the MCQ-C was positively correlated with the CBS. Regression analysis revealed that CYPRS and the negative meta-worry subtest of the MCQ-C predict the CBS. Our study revealed the importance of psychological resilience and negative meta-worry in cyberbullying among adolescents. Strengthening psychological resilience may be a useful strategy for reducing the detrimental impacts of cyberbullying on adolescents. Metacognitive psychotherapy models that focus on negative meta-worry and improving psychological resilience by psychotherapeutic methods may be a useful strategy for reducing the detrimental impacts of cyberbullying on adolescents. Further longitudinal studies are required to foster the established association between these constructs.



随着个人对技术使用的增加,网络欺凌变得更加普遍,当某人或一群人故意使用技术进行伤害时,就会发生网络欺凌。数以百万计的青少年在网络环境中度过时光,但人们对心理弹性、自我效能和元认知对网络欺凌风险的影响知之甚少。总共招募了 574 名高中生,并对其进行了社会人口调查问卷、网络欺凌量表(CBS)、儿童和青少年心理弹性量表(CYPRS)、儿童自我效能问卷(SEQ-C)以及儿童和青少年元认知问卷的指导。青少年 (MCQ-C)。教育水平、CYPRS、SEQ-C 和 CBS 之间存在负相关关系。 MCQ-C 的所有子测试均与 CBS 呈正相关。回归分析显示,CYPRS 和 MCQ-C 的负面元忧虑子测试可预测 CBS。我们的研究揭示了心理弹性和消极元担忧在青少年网络欺凌中的重要性。加强心理弹性可能是减少网络欺凌对青少年有害影响的有用策略。元认知心理治疗模型侧重于消极元担忧并通过心理治疗方法提高心理弹性,可能是减少网络欺凌对青少年有害影响的有用策略。需要进一步的纵向研究来促进这些结构之间已建立的关联。
