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Contributions of Intraspecific Variation to Drought Tolerance in Trees
Current Forestry Reports ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s40725-023-00199-w
Antonio Gazol , Alex Fajardo , J. Julio Camarero

Purpose of Review

The capacity of woody plants to cope with climate change depends on their adjustments to changing environmental conditions by phenotypic plasticity or by genotypic changes (i.e., local adaptation). To determine whether intraspecific trait variation (ITV) translates into resistance or tolerance to drought and eventually how it relates to performance when facing drought, we reviewed the recent literature on the intraspecific variation in woody plant functional traits along aridity gradients.

Recent Findings

At the intraspecific level, functional traits vary along aridity gradients, but this variation depends on the considered trait and species. While ITV is ubiquitous and of relevant magnitude, its relationship with tree performance in the case of growth or survival is unclear and very idiosyncratic.


ITV varies along aridity gradients and, for several traits, is of comparable magnitude as interspecific trait variation. However, the relationship between ITV and tree performance is not consistent among species. This makes the use of ITV challenging when quantifying its contribution to drought tolerance.






在种内水平上,功能性状随干旱梯度而变化,但这种变化取决于所考虑的性状和物种。虽然 ITV 无处不在且具有相关的规模,但它与树木生长或生存表现的关系尚不清楚且非常特殊。


ITV 随干旱梯度变化,对于某些性状而言,ITV 的大小与种间性状变异相当。然而,ITV 与树木性​​能之间的关系在不同物种之间并不一致。这使得 ITV 在量化其对耐旱性的贡献时具有挑战性。
