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A systematic review of the evaluation of agricultural policies: Using prisma
Heliyon ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20292
Lina M Bastidas-Orrego 1, 2 , Natalia Jaramillo 3, 4 , Julián A Castillo-Grisales 5 , Yony F Ceballos 6

The food security of each country depends on agricultural development, which is sensitive to the implementation of agricultural public policies. These must evolve as new ruralities arise, with new phenomena, such as climate change, ecosystem services, changes in consumer preferences, globalization, sustainability and ecological awareness. Hence, of ex-ante and ex-post evaluations of agricultural policies, are important because they provide timely information to government entities. There are different methodologies for policy evaluation, which have evolved over time. This systematic review aims to identify manuscript that systematically review methodologies, policies and variables evaluated during the last 50 years to determine whether a policy has been efficient. To assess the quality of the included manuscript and to describe the measures and domains identified. EBSCO, Dialnet, SciELO, Scopus, Science Direct, Dimensions and Web of Science were searched. A total of 154 manuscript were identified, the review was finalized by reviewing the title, and abstract and the review was finalized by reviewing the title, abstract and full text, resolving disagreements. Of these 154 manuscripts, 37 met the criteria and were included in the analysis. PRISMA checklists were used to evaluate the methodology. It were found that there are few studies on the design of evaluation methodologies for agricultural policies in the literature. Research shows that the latest policy evaluation proposals present more complex methodologies involving tools such as machine learning and agent-based modelling (ABM). On the other hand, the issue of sustainability as a policy is seen in the agri-environmental policy evaluation. The evolution of agricultural policy methodologies can be observed at the beginning with the use of quantitative methodologies, such as matrices, statistics and econometrics. With the emergence of new variables, such as agri-environmental variables, citizen participation and market opening, methodologies have become more comprehensive, combining qualitative and quantitative variables. Methodologies were identified that evaluate robust agricultural policies and others that focus on the evaluation of one or two policies. These studies are important for research that focuses not only on the evaluation of agricultural policies but also on their design and implementation processes.


农业政策评估的系统回顾:使用 prisma

各国粮食安全取决于农业发展,而农业发展又对农业公共政策的实施情况敏感。这些必须随着新农村的出现以及气候变化、生态系统服务、消费者偏好变化、全球化、可持续性和生态意识等新现象的出现而发展。因此,农业政策的事前和事后评估非常重要,因为它们为政府实体提供了及时的信息。政策评估有不同的方法,这些方法随着时间的推移而不断发展。本系统审查旨在确定对过去 50 年评估的方法、政策和变量进行系统审查的手稿,以确定政策是否有效。评估纳入稿件的质量并描述所确定的措施和领域。检索了 EBSCO、Dialnet、SciELO、Scopus、Science Direct、Dimensions 和 Web of Science。共鉴定出154篇稿件,通过审阅标题、摘要,最终审稿;通过审阅标题、摘要、全文,解决分歧,最终审稿。在这 154 篇稿件中,有 37 篇符合标准并纳入分析。 PRISMA 检查表用于评估该方法。研究发现,文献中关于农业政策评价方法设计的研究较少。研究表明,最新的政策评估提案提出了更复杂的方法,涉及机器学习和基于代理的建模(ABM)等工具。另一方面,政策的可持续性问题则体现在农业环境政策评估中。 农业政策方法的演变可以从一开始就通过使用矩阵、统计和计量经济学等定量方法来观察。随着农业环境变量、公民参与、市场开放等新变量的出现,方法论变得更加全面,定性变量与定量变量相结合。确定了评估强有力的农业政策和其他侧重于评估一两项政策的方法。这些研究对于不仅关注农业政策评估而且关注其设计和实施过程的研究非常重要。