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U2AF1 pathogenic variants in myeloid neoplasms and precursor states: distribution of co-mutations and prognostic heterogeneity
Blood Cancer Journal ( IF 12.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-21 , DOI: 10.1038/s41408-023-00922-7
Talha Badar 1 , Yenny A Moreno Vanegas 1 , Ahmad Nanaa 2, 3 , James M Foran 1 , Aref Al-Kali 2 , Abhishek Mangaonkar 2 , Hemant Murthy 1 , Hassan B Alkhateeb 2 , David Viswanatha 4 , Rong He 4 , Mithun Shah 2 , Cecilia Arana Yi 5 , Mark R Litzow 2 , Naseema Gangat 2 , Ayalew Tefferi 2 , Mrinal M Patnaik 2

We have previously recognized the genotypic and prognostic heterogeneity of U2AF1 mutations (MT) in myelofibrosis (MF) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). In the current study, we considered 179 U2AF1-mutated patients with clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance (CCUS; n = 22), MDS (n = 108), MDS/acute myeloid leukemia (AML; n = 18) and AML (n = 31). U2AF1 variants included S34 (60%), Q157 (35%), and others (5%): corresponding mutational frequencies were 45%, 55%, and 0% in CCUS; 57%, 39%, and 4% in MDS; 61%, 33%, and 6% in MDS/AML; and 55%, 35% and 10% in AML (P = 0.17, 0.36 and 0.09), respectively. Concurrent mutations included ASXL1 (37%), BCOR (19%), RUNX1 (14%), TET2 (15%), DNMT3A (10%), NRAS/KRAS (8%), TP53 (8%), JAK2 (5.5%) and SETBP1 (5%). The two most frequent U2AF1 MT were S34F (n = 97) and Q157P (n = 46); concurrent MT were more likely to be seen with the latter (91% vs 74%; P = 0.01) and abnormal karyotype with the former (70% vs 62%; P = 0.05). U2AF1 S34F MT clustered with BCOR (P = 0.04) and Q157P MT with ASXL1 (P = 0.01) and TP53 (P = 0.03). The median overall survival (OS) in months was significantly worse in AML (14.2) vs MDS/AML (27.3) vs MDS (33.7; P = 0.001); the latter had similar OS with CCUS (30.0). In morphologically high-risk disease (n = 49), defined by ≥10% blood or bone marrow blasts (i.e., AML or MDS/AML), median OS was 14.2 with Q157P vs 37.1 months in the presence of S34F (P = 0.008); transplant-adjusted multivariable analysis confirmed the detrimental impact of Q157P (P = 0.01) on survival and also identified JAK2 MT as an additional risk factor (P = 0.02). OS was favorably affected by allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HR: 0.16, 95% CI; 0.04-0.61, P = 0.007). The current study defines the prevalence and co-mutational profiles of U2AF1 pathogenic variants in AML, MDS/AML, MDS, and CCUS, and suggests prognostic heterogeneity in patients with ≥10% blasts.


髓系肿瘤和前体状态中的 U2AF1 致病性变异:共突变的分布和预后异质性

我们之前已经认识到骨髓纤维化 (MF) 和骨髓增生异常综合征 (MDS) 中 U2AF1 突变 (MT) 的基因型和预后异质性。在目前的研究中,我们考虑了 179 例意义未明的克隆性血细胞减少症 (CCUS;n = 22)、MDS (n = 108)、MDS/急性髓性白血病 (AML;n = 18) 和 AML (n = 31)。U2AF1 变异包括 S34 (60%) 、 Q157 (35%) 和其他 (5%): CCUS 中相应的突变频率为 45% 、 55% 和 0% ;MDS 为 57%、39% 和 4%;MDS/AML 为 61%、33% 和 6%;AML 为 55%、35% 和 10% (P = 0.17、0.36 和 0.09)。并发突变包括 ASXL1 (37%) 、 BCOR (19%) 、 RUNX1 (14%) 、 TET2 (15%) 、 DNMT3A (10%)、 NRAS/KRAS (8%) 、TP53 (8%) 、 JAK2 (5.5%) 和 SETBP1 (5%)。两种最常见的 U2AF1 MT 是 S34F (n = 97) 和 Q157P (n = 46);后者更有可能同时出现 MT (91% 对 74%;P = 0.01) 和异常核型与前者 (70% vs 62%;P = 0.05)。U2AF1S34F MT 与 BCORP = 0.04) 聚集,Q157P MT 与 ASXL1P = 0.01) 和 TP53P = 0.03) 聚集。AML (14.2) 与 MDS/AML (27.3) 相比 MDS (33.7;P = 0.001);后者具有与 CCUS (30.0) 相似的操作系统。在形态学高危疾病 (n = 49) 中,定义为 ≥10% 的血液或骨髓原始细胞 (即 AML 或 MDS/AML),中位 OS 为 14.2,Q157P 为 37。存在 S34F 1 个月 (P = 0.008);移植调整后的多变量分析证实了 Q157P (P = 0.01) 对生存率的有害影响,并将 JAK2 MT 确定为额外的危险因素 (P = 0.02)。同种异体造血干细胞移植对 OS 有有利影响 (HR: 0.16, 95% CI;0.04-0.61, P = 0.007)。目前的研究定义了 AML、MDS/AML、MDS 和 CCUS 中 U2AF1 致病变异的患病率和共突变特征,并表明原始细胞 ≥10% 的患者的预后异质性。
