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“Skinny Little Mexican Kid”: Life History of a Latino Immigrant Preservice Physical Education Teacher
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-20 , DOI: 10.1123/jtpe.2022-0110
Karen Lux Gaudreault 1 , Martin Vasquez 1 , Christopher Mellor 2 , Emily Mason 1 , Adriana Lucero 1

Background: In order to recruit and retain Latinx teachers, we must first understand how they choose to enter teaching; are socialized; and the influence of factors such as race, ethnicity, and culture on their beliefs and teaching practices. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the life history of Oscar, a Latino immigrant preservice physical education teacher. Method: Occupational socialization theory and life history methodology guided all the steps of this study. Results: Oscar’s life history revealed key narratives that were influential in constructing his socialization toward teaching and coaching. A constant search for belonging was an emerging theme. Conclusion: This life history highlights the significance and value in voicing the experiences and perspectives of our up and coming ethnically diverse educators. Oscar’s story adds a diverse lens to the occupational socialization and life history literature, especially from a recruitment and retainment standpoint.



