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Experimental and theoretical investigations on new organic–inorganic silane/fullerol/α-SiC films with enhanced tribo-corrosion resistance
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2023.132420
Chuang Gong , Zhiyong Cao , Hairen Wang , Liu Cong , Zifeng Hu , June Qu , Xinyun Wang , Junsong Jin

Steels inevitably suffer friction and corrosion during service, often decreasing durability and functionality. This work presents a novel silane-based composite film that exhibits robust corrosion resistance. When deposited on steels, these films demonstrate exceptional anti-corrosion properties with a high impedance value, even when exposed to highly corrosive media for extended periods (e.g., 240 hours). Furthermore, the films show minimal morphological damage after a long-term stability experiment of 25 days in a 3.5 wt % NaCl solution, compared with bare 304 stainless steels (SS). Theoretical studies have been conducted to elucidate the corrosion resistance and sol-gel mechanisms. Upon lubrication, the universal micro-tribotester (UMT) results demonstrate that friction decreases with applied load. The lowest friction coefficient (COF) value of 0.14 is achieved at a regular load of 1 N and a sliding velocity of 0.1 mm/s. The COF performances of these films are explained based on their hydrophobic/hydrophilic nature, uniformity, and Raman spectrum. The Raman spectrum indicates that the excellent friction properties at the sliding interface are attributed to fullerol. This process will inspire a robust, low-cost, and environmentally friendly approach to protecting steel.



钢材在使用过程中不可避免地会受到摩擦和腐蚀,通常会降低耐用性和功能性。这项工作提出了一种新型硅烷基复合薄膜,具有强大的耐腐蚀性。当沉积在钢材上时,即使长时间暴露在高腐蚀性介质中(例如 240 小时 ),这些薄膜也表现出卓越的抗腐蚀性能和高阻抗值。此外,在 3.5 环境中进行 25 天的长期稳定性实验后,薄膜显示出最小的形态损伤。 wt% NaCl 溶液,与裸露的 304 不锈钢 (SS) 相比。已经进行了理论研究来阐明耐腐蚀性和溶胶-凝胶机制。润滑后,通用微摩擦测试仪 (UMT) 结果表明,摩擦力会随着施加的载荷而减小。在 1 N 的常规负载和 0.1 mm/s 的滑动速度下,可实现 0.14 的最低摩擦系数 (COF) 值。 这些薄膜的 COF 性能是根据其疏水/亲水性质、均匀性和拉曼光谱来解释的。拉曼光谱表明滑动界面优异的摩擦性能归因于富勒醇。这一过程将激发一种稳健、低成本且环保的钢铁保护方法。
