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Realizing a blockchain solution without blockchain? Blockchain, solutionism, and trust
Regulation & Governance ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-15 , DOI: 10.1111/rego.12553
Gert Meyers 1 , Esther Keymolen 1

Blockchain is employed as a technology holding a solutionist promise, while at the same time, it is hard for the promissory blockchain applications to become realized. Not only is the blockchain protocol itself not foolproof, but when we move from “blockchain in general” to “blockchain in particular,” we see that new governance structures and ways of collaborating need to be developed to make blockchain applications work/become real. The qualities ascribed to (blockchain) technology in abstracto are not to be taken for granted in blockchain applications in concreto. The problem of trust, therefore, does not become redundant simply through the employment of “trustless” blockchain technology. Rather, on different levels, new trust relations have to be constituted. In this article, we argue that blockchain is a productive force, even if it does not solve the problem of trust, and sometimes regardless of blockchain technology not implemented after all. The values that underpin this seemingly “trustless technology” such as control, efficiency, and privacy and the story that is told about these values co-shape the actions of stakeholders and, to a certain extent, pre-sort the path of application development. We will illustrate this by presenting a case study on the Red Button (De Rode Knop), a Dutch pilot to develop a blockchain-based solution that enables people who are in debt to communicate to their creditors that they are, together with the municipality, working on improving their situation, thereby requesting a temporary suspension from debt collection.



区块链作为一种解决方案承诺的技术而被采用,但同时,区块链的承诺应用却很难实现。不仅区块链协议本身并非万无一失,而且当我们从“一般区块链”转向“特殊区块链”时,我们发现需要开发新的治理结构和协作方式才能使区块链应用程序发挥作用/成为现实抽象地赋予(区块链)技术的品质在具体的区块链应用中不应被视为理所当然。因此,信任问题并不会仅仅通过使用“无需信任”的区块链技术而变得多余。相反,必须在不同层面上建立新的信任关系。在这篇文章中,我们认为区块链是一种生产力,即使它不能解决信任问题,有时也不管区块链技术到底没有实现。支撑这种看似“无需信任的技术”的价值观,如控制效率隐私,以及关于这些价值观的故事,共同塑造了利益相关者的行为,并在一定程度上预先安排了应用程序开发的路径。我们将通过介绍红色按钮的案例研究来说明这一点( De Rode Knop ),荷兰试点项目,开发基于区块链的解决方案,使负债者能够向债权人传达他们正在与市政府一起努力改善自己的状况,从而请求暂时中止债务收藏。