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A fluorescent zinc(II) metal-organic framework for the trace of CrO42− / Cr2O72− anions generated from “one-pot” in situ synthetic approach
Journal of Solid State Chemistry ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2023.124335
Shuhui Chen , Yaru Dong , Haotao Song , Lili Gui

As one of the most attractive but challenging synthetic approaches to enrich the methodology of MOF chemistry, “one-pot” in situ synthetic approach has been attracted more and more attention due to its circumvention of the organic ligands synthesis process. Herein, we present a Zn(II)-based metal-organic framework (MOF) formulated as {[Zn(pcd)]}n (1) generated from the “one-pot” in situ reaction, where isonicotinic acid N'-(pyridine-4-carbonyl)-hydrazide (pcd) is formed by the hydrolysis reaction of the bent 2,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole (bpo) ligand. 1 demonstrates a 3D 4, 4-connected cds topological structure based on Zn2N2 secondary building unit (SUB). The variation of luminescence emission towards CrO42−/Cr2O72− anions shows that 1 is a promisingly selective, sensitive and recyclable fluorescence turn-off sensor in the quantitative recognition of CrO42−/Cr2O72− anions. And the detection limit can reach as low as 5.25 μM for CrO42− anions and 7.64 μM for Cr2O72− anions. Moreover, the mechanism of fluorescence behavior of 1 towards CrO42−/Cr2O72− anions is interpreted with the UV–Vis spectral overlap experiments.


“一锅法”原位合成方法产生的荧光锌(II)金属有机框架,可用于痕量 CrO42− / Cr2O72− 阴离子

作为丰富MOF化学方法学中最具吸引力但最具挑战性的合成方法之一,“一锅法”原位合成方法由于其规避有机配体合成过程而受到越来越多的关注。在此,我们提出了一种通过“一锅法”原位反应生成的Zn(II) 基金属有机骨架 (MOF),其配方为 {[Zn(pcd)]} n ( 1 ),其中异烟酸 N'- (吡啶-4-羰基)-酰肼(pcd)是通过弯曲的2,5-双(4-吡啶基)-1,3,4-恶二唑(bpo)配体的水解反应形成的。图1展示了基于Zn 2 N 2的3D 4, 4连接的cds拓扑结构次要建筑单元(SUB)。CrO 4 2− /Cr 2 O 7 2−阴离子的发光发射变化表明,1是一种在 CrO 4 2− /Cr 2 O 7 2−定量识别中很有前景的选择性、灵敏且可回收的荧光关闭传感器。阴离子。CrO 4 2−阴离子的检测限可低至 5.25 μM ,Cr 2 O 7 2−阴离子的检测限可低至 7.64 μM。此外, 1对CrO 4 2− /Cr 2的荧光行为机制O 7 2−阴离子通过紫外-可见光谱重叠实验进行解释。
