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High-Performance Artificial Ligament Made from Helical Polyester Fibers Wrapped with Aligned Carbon Nanotube Sheets
Advanced Healthcare Materials ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-17 , DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202301610
Liyuan Wang 1 , Hongyu Jiang 1 , Fang Wan 2 , Hongji Sun 1 , Yiqing Yang 1 , Wenjun Li 1 , Zheyan Qian 1 , Xuemei Sun 1 , Peining Chen 1 , Shiyi Chen 2 , Huisheng Peng 1

Repairing high-load connective tissues, such as ligaments, by surgically implanting artificial grafts after injury is challenging because they lack biointegration with host bones for stable interfaces. Herein, a high-performance helical composite fiber (HCF) ligament by wrapping aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) sheets around polyester fibers is proposed. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery shows that HCF grafts could induce effective bone regeneration, thus allowing the narrowing of bone tunnel defects. Such repair of the bone tunnel is in strong contrast to the tunnel enlargement of more than 50% for commercial artificial ligaments made from bare polyester fibers. Rats reconstructed with this HCF ligament show normal jumping, walking, and running without limping. This work allows bone regeneration in vivo through a one-step surgery without seeding cells or transforming growth factors, thereby opening an avenue for high-performance artificial tissues.



在受伤后通过手术植入人工移植物来修复高负荷结缔组织(例如韧带)具有挑战性,因为它们缺乏与宿主骨骼的生物整合以形成稳定的界面。在此,提出了一种高性能螺旋复合纤维(HCF)韧带,通过将对齐的碳纳米管(CNT)片材缠绕在聚酯纤维上。前十字韧带(ACL)重建手术表明,HCF 移植物可以诱导有效的骨再生,从而缩小骨隧道缺损。这种骨隧道的修复与由裸聚酯纤维制成的商用人工韧带超过50%的隧道扩大形成鲜明对比。用这种 HCF 韧带重建的大鼠表现出正常的跳跃、行走和跑步,没有跛行。这项工作可以通过一步手术实现体内骨再生,无需接种细胞或转化生长因子,从而为高性能人造组织开辟了一条途径。