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Improved modeling of Janus membrane considering the influence of hydrophilic layer characteristics
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-16 , DOI: 10.1515/jnet-2023-0037
Noha M. Sayed 1, 2 , Hussien Noby 1, 3 , Kyaw Thu 4, 5 , Ahmed H. El-Shazly 1, 6

Some of the previous investigations neglect the mass transfer contribution of the hydrophilic layer for modeling the Janus membrane that is used for direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD). This work studies the impact of adding such resistance on the performance of the DCMD, especially on the temperature polarization coefficient (TPC), thermal efficiency, and permeate flux. The commercial software Ansys 2020 was used to describe the transport behavior through the Janus membrane. The bulk-flow model was employed to evaluate the permeate flow through the hydrophilic layer for the first time. Simulation results were compared with the experimental results from the literature for validating the model, and a satisfactory agreement was found. Results demonstrated that the permeate flux increased by about 61.3 % with changing the porosity of the hydrophilic layer from 0.5 to 0.9 for the membrane with the lowest hydrophilic layer thickness. Moreover, the thermal conductivities of both layers contribute significantly to the DCMD’s overall performance enhancement. Vapour flux might be enhanced by increasing the hydrophilic layer’s thermal conductivity while decreasing the hydrophobic layer’s thermal conductivity. Finally, the DCMD thermal efficiency was investigated, for the first time, in terms of both layer characteristics.


考虑亲水层特性影响的 Janus 膜改进建模

之前的一些研究在模拟用于直接接触膜蒸馏 (DCMD) 的 Janus 膜时忽略了亲水层的传质贡献。这项工作研究了添加此类电阻对 DCMD 性能的影响,特别是对温度极化系数 (TPC)、热效率和渗透通量的影响。商业软件 Ansys 2020 用于描述通过 Janus 膜的传输行为。首次采用整体流模型来评估通过亲水层的渗透流量。将仿真结果与文献中的实验结果进行比较以验证模型,结果令人满意。结果表明,渗透通量增加了约 61。对于具有最低亲水层厚度的膜,将亲水层的孔隙率从0.5改变至0.9,为3%。此外,两层的热导率对 DCMD 整体性能的增强有显着贡献。可以通过增加亲水层的热导率同时降低疏水层的热导率来增强蒸气通量。最后,首次根据两层特性研究了 DCMD 热效率。可以通过增加亲水层的热导率同时降低疏水层的热导率来增强蒸气通量。最后,首次根据两层特性研究了 DCMD 热效率。可以通过增加亲水层的热导率同时降低疏水层的热导率来增强蒸气通量。最后,首次根据两层特性研究了 DCMD 热效率。