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Front Cover: The Evolution of Phosphite-Oxazoline Ligands for the Pd-Allylic Substitution and Their Application in Building Chiral Molecules (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 36/2023)
European Journal of Organic Chemistry ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202300917
Maria Biosca 1 , Daniel Tarr 1 , Oscar Pàmies 1 , Montserrat Diéguez 1

The Front Cover illustrates the designed biaryl phosphite-oxazoline ligand libraries by our group for the asymmetric Pd-catalyzed allylic substitution through the years, highlighting the best family of ligands discovered, along with a diverse array of products that can be obtained through this method. Some of these products can be further modified to create chiral bi- and tricyclic complex molecules, adding to the versatility of this approach. More information can be found in the Concept by M. Biosca et al.


封面:亚磷酸盐-恶唑啉配体的 Pd-烯丙基取代的演变及其在构建手性分子中的应用(Eur. J. Org. Chem. 36/2023)

封面介绍了我们小组多年来为不对称钯催化烯丙基取代设计的二芳基亚磷酸酯-恶唑啉配体库,重点介绍了发现的最佳配体家族,以及通过该方法可以获得的各种产品。其中一些产品可以进一步修饰以产生手性双环和三环复杂分子,从而增加了该方法的多功能性。更多信息可以在 M. Biosca 等人的概念中找到。