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Considering genres in gendered and racialized cultural capital
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2023.101837
Sonia Planson

Despite their essential role in conceptualizing cultural capital, genres have been left out of most quantitative empirical studies in this research tradition. Based on data from the French Ministry of Education with measures of detailed genre consumption for reading and TV watching, this article uses multiple correspondence analysis to show differences in consumption by gender, race/ethnicity, and class, and uses Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions to explore how gender and ethnic/racial GPA gaps can be explained with attention to cultural genres. Findings suggest that variations in consumption can both play to the advantage or detriment of girls and minorities, with perhaps gendered practices having an exacerbated effect on grades in certain cases and conformity to school norms being particularly rewarded for children of immigrants. Ultimately, results call for attention to genres to nuance our understanding of all-encompassing indicators of cultural capital as also gendered and racialized.



尽管流派在概念化文化资本方面发挥着重要作用,但在这一研究传统中,大多数定量实证研究都将流派排除在外。本文基于法国教育部的数据,对阅读和电视观看的详细类型消费进行了衡量,使用多重对应分析来显示不同性别、种族/族裔和阶层的消费差异,并使用 Blinder-Oaxaca 分解来探索如何在关注文化流派的情况下解释性别和民族/种族 GPA 差距。调查结果表明,消费的差异既可能对女孩和少数族裔有利,也可能有害,在某些情况下,性别歧视的做法可能会加剧对成绩的影响,而遵守学校规范对移民儿童来说尤其有利。最终,
