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V2 violations in different variants of Icelandic: A common denominator?
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586523000148
Ásgrímur Angantýsson , Iris Edda Nowenstein , Höskuldur Thráinsson

In this article, we report on a number of violations of (or exceptions to) the so-called V2 constraint in different variants of Icelandic. The main purpose is to investigate what these violations can tell us about the nature of the V2 constraint, its vulnerability, the limits of syntax, and about children’s ability to sort out what is relevant and what is not in the input they hear during the acquisition period. Three main explanatory possibilites are taken under consideration: the use and acceptance of sentences with V2 violations in Icelandic (i) is due to English influence, (ii) indicates an expansion of patterns existing in the language for language-internal reasons, (iii) is due to a task effect. In brief, our results support (i) for heritage Icelandic but not for non-heritage Icelandic, while different subsets of our data are best accounted for in terms of either (ii) or (iii).


冰岛语不同变体中的 V2 违规行为:共同点?

在本文中,我们报告了冰岛语不同变体中一些违反(或例外)所谓 V2 约束的情况。主要目的是调查这些违规行为可以告诉我们有关 V2 约束的性质、其脆弱性、语法限制的信息,以及儿童在习得过程中听到的输入中找出相关内容和不相关内容的能力时期。考虑了三种主要的解释可能性:冰岛语中违反 V2 的句子的使用和接受 (i) 是由于英语的影响,(ii) 表明由于语言内部原因,语言中现有模式的扩展,(iii)是由于任务效应。简而言之,我们的结果支持 (i) 传统冰岛语,但不支持非传统冰岛语,