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“When I saw the skull approaching, I died”: Transatlantic communicative flows in response to racial terror in Brazil
Atlantic Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-11 , DOI: 10.1080/14788810.2023.2250966
Daniel N. Silva 1


This study delineates the “culture of survival,” a trope that my research group encountered during fieldwork in Rio de Janeiro favelas. For Raphael Calazans, a young Black composer, the culture of survival emerges from solidarity: in the absence of housing policy for freed slaves, people created their own neighborhoods and improvised everyday solutions. The culture of survival is a practical means of grappling with the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade. It is enacted through different communicative practices, including the papo reto (straight talk) activist register. I draw from conversations with local intellectuals to examine these language flows as a rhizomatic ensemble of tropes emerging from confrontations between life and death, as in police raids. In responding to current iterations of racial terror, the culture of survival displays dynamic resources – including solidarity, self-formation, humor, defiance and strategies for handling liminality – that favela residents deploy in their everyday life.




这项研究描绘了“生存文化”,这是我的研究小组在里约热内卢贫民窟进行实地考察时遇到的一个比喻。对于年轻的黑人作曲家拉斐尔·卡拉赞斯来说,生存文化源于团结:在没有为自由奴隶提供住房政策的情况下,人们创建了自己的社区并临时解决日常问题。生存文化是应对跨大西洋奴隶贸易遗留问题的实用手段。它是通过不同的交流实践来制定的,包括papo reto(直言不讳)积极分子登记。我从与当地知识分子的对话中汲取灵感,将这些语言流动视为从生与死的对抗中出现的根茎整体,例如警察的突袭。为了应对当前反复出现的种族恐怖,生存文化展示了贫民窟居民在日常生活中运用的动态资源,包括团结、自我形成、幽默、反抗和处理阈限的策略。
