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Boron and Nitrogen Isotope Effects on Hexagonal Boron Nitride Properties
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-13 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202306033
Eli Janzen 1 , Hannah Schutte 1 , Juliette Plo 2 , Adrien Rousseau 2 , Thierry Michel 2 , Wilfried Desrat 2 , Pierre Valvin 2 , Vincent Jacques 2 , Guillaume Cassabois 2 , Bernard Gil 2 , James H Edgar 1

The unique physical, mechanical, chemical, optical, and electronic properties of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) make it a promising 2D material for electronic, optoelectronic, nanophotonic, and quantum devices. Here, the changes in hBN's properties induced by isotopic purification in both boron and nitrogen are reported. Previous studies on isotopically pure hBN have focused on purifying the boron isotope concentration in hBN from its natural concentration (≈20 at% 10B, 80 at% 11B) while using naturally abundant nitrogen (99.6 at% 14N, 0.4 at% 15N), that is, almost pure 14N. In this study, the class of isotopically purified hBN crystals to 15N is extended. Crystals in the four configurations, namely h10B14N, h11B14N, h10B15N, and h11B15N, are grown by the metal flux method using boron and nitrogen single isotope (> 99%) enriched sources, with nickel plus chromium as the solvent. In-depth Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies demonstrate the high quality of the monoisotopic hBN crystals with vibrational and optical properties of the 15N-purified crystals at the state-of-the-art of currently available 14N-purified hBN. The growth of high-quality h10B14N, h11B14N, h10B15N, and h11B15N opens exciting perspectives for thermal conductivity control in heat management, as well as for advanced functionalities in quantum technologies.



六方氮化硼 (hBN) 独特的物理、机械、化学、光学和电子特性使其成为电子、光电、纳米光子和量子器件中极具前景的二维材料。在此,报告了硼和氮同位素纯化引起的六方氮化硼特性的变化。先前对同位素纯 hBN 的研究重点是从其自然浓度(约 20 at% 10 B、80 at% 11 B)纯化 hBN 中的硼同位素浓度,同时使用天然丰富的氮(99.6 at% 14 N、0.4 at% 15) N),即几乎纯的14 N。在这项研究中,同位素纯化的六方氮化硼晶体的类别扩展到15 N。四种构型的晶体,即h 10 B 14 N、h 11 B 14 N、h 10 B 15 N和h 11 B 15 N,是使用硼和氮单一同位素(> 99%)通过金属熔剂法生长的来源丰富,以镍加铬为溶剂。深入的拉曼和光致发光光谱证明了单同位素六方氮化硼晶体的高质量,以及目前可用的14 N 纯化六方氮化硼的最先进的15 N 纯化晶体的振动和光学特性。高质量 h 10 B 14 N、h 11 B 14 N、h 10 B 15 N 和 h 11 B 15 N 的生长为热管理中的导热控制以及量子技术中的先进功能开辟了令人兴奋的前景。