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Selecting (or not) physical education as an elective subject: Spanish high school students’ views
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-12 , DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2023.2256762
Javier Fenandez-Rio 1 , Salvador García 2 , Alberto Ferriz-Valero 2



The interactions between behavior, environment and personal factors are the basis of the Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, A. 1986. Social Foundations of Thought and Action. NJ: Prentice Halls). Within this theory, students’ behavior and motivation toward an activity is dependent on their feelings, thoughts and beliefs (Lodewyck and Pybus 2013. “Investigating Factors in the Retention of Students in High School Physical Education.” Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 32 (1): 61–77). Physical education can provide attractive contexts to promote students’ learning, but this depends on the teachers’ ability to offer them relevant educational experiences (Bailey, R. 2018. “Sport, Physical Education and Educational Worth.” Educational Review 70 (1): 51–66). Meaningful physical education is a pedagogical approach whose aim is to help teachers design significant experiences for all students (Beni, S., T. Fletcher, and D. Ní Chróinín. 2022. “‘It’s not a Linear Thing; There are a Lot of Intersecting Circles’: Factors Influencing Teachers’ Implementation of Meaningful Physical Education.” Teaching and Teacher Education 117: 103806). Physical education is a compulsory subject in Spain, but it is not included in the final year of high school. In 2018, one autonomous community decided to offer it as an elective subject in this course. Scholars and institutions claim for more hours of physical education. But, what about the students? Do they really want more?


The goal of the present study was to uncover the reasons why students selected, or not, physical education when it was included as an elective subject in their final year of high school.

Participants and settings:

A total of 795 year-13 students (17–18 years), enrolled in 13 different high schools participated. 444 (55.8%) had not selected physical education (61.71% females), while 351 (44.2%) did selected it (44.44% females). Convenience sampling was used to include participants, considering the possibilities of the researchers to access them.

Research design:

The study followed an ex post facto, transversal, prospective research design to gather data in a single time point (Cohen, L., K. Manion, and K. Morrison. 2011. Research Methods in Education. Routledge). Within this framework, a qualitative research design was selected to obtain rich, detailed, and heavily contextualized information from the source (Creswell, J. W. 2013. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Approaches. Sage). The participants responded to an open-ended question 3–4 weeks after the beginning of the school year to ‘fully explain the reason(s) for (not) selecting physical education in the final year of high school’. The qualitative software package MAXQDA 11 was used to help with data administration.


The deep analysis of the participants’ responses produced five themes for not selecting physical education (from strong to weak): academic stress, negative experiences, out-of-school physical activity, timetable, and importance, and four themes for selecting it: grade point average, importance, sport, and positive experiences.


Results indicate that many students would eliminate physical education from their timetables if they had the chance. In many cases, it does not provide meaningful experiences, which produces low domain value. If physical education wants to survive as an academic subject in the schools, it must listen to its students, and attend their demands.





行为、环境和个人因素之间的相互作用是社会认知理论的基础(Bandura, A. 1986。思想和行动的社会基础。新泽西州:Prentice Halls)。在这一理论中,学生对某项活动的行为和动机取决于他们的感受、想法和信念(Lodewyck 和 Pybus 2013。“调查高中体育学生保留的因素。”体育教学杂志32( 1):61-77)。体育教育可以提供有吸引力的环境来促进学生的学习,但这取决于教师为他们提供相关教育经验的能力(Bailey, R. 2018。“运动、体育教育和教育价值。”教育评论70(1):51-66)。有意义的体育教育是一种教学方法,其目的是帮助教师为所有学生设计重要的体验(Beni, S., T. Fletcher, and D. Ní Chróinín. 2022。“‘这不是一个线性的事情;有很多相交的圆圈:影响教师实施有意义的体育教育的因素。”教学与教师教育117:103806)。体育在西班牙是必修科目,但不包含在高中最后一年。2018年,一个自治区决定将其作为该课程的选修科目。学者和机构要求增加体育课时数。但是,学生们呢?他们真的想要更多吗?




共有来自 13 所不同高中的 795 名 13 年级学生(17-18 岁)参加。444人(55.8%)没有选择体育(女性61.71%),351人(44.2%)选择体育(44.44%女性)。考虑到研究人员接触参与者的可能性,使用方便抽样来纳入参与者。


该研究遵循事后、横向、前瞻性研究设计,在单个时间点收集数据(Cohen, L.、K. Manion 和 K. Morrison。2011。教育研究方法。Routledge 。在此框架内,选择了定性研究设计,以从源头获取丰富、详细且高度情境化的信息(Creswell,JW 2013。定性调查和研究设计:五种方法中的选择。Sage)。参与者在学年开始后 3-4 周回答一个开放式问题,“充分解释在高中最后一年选择(不)选择体育课的原因”。定性软件包 MAXQDA 11 用于帮助数据管理。




