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Examining Law Enforcement Agencies’ Responses to the Addition of Animal Cruelty to NIBRS
American Journal of Criminal Justice ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s12103-023-09740-w
Mary Lou Randour , Anabel Kearley , Mikaila Wireman

In 2014, Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey approved the addition of animal cruelty to Group A of the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), which is categorized into Group A and Group B offenses (Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI], 2016). In 2016, participating NIBRS states began collecting animal cruelty data. The rationale for the addition of animal cruelty crimes to NIBRS was the large body of empirical evidence that demonstrates a close association between animal cruelty and other crimes, interpersonal violence in particular. This paper analyzes how states and local law enforcement agencies have responded to the addition of animal cruelty crime incidents to NIBRS, noting patterns of adoption in reporting animal cruelty crimes, gaps, and any other factor that provides clarity on the state of the implementation of animal cruelty crime statistics in NIBRS. The method of analysis was to first evaluate the animal cruelty incident rates by population groups established by the FBI and then to calculate the animal cruelty crime rate for Delaware and compare it to the U.S, as Delaware is the only state with an Office of Animal Welfare. With this analysis, we can determine which areas have sufficient data to inform law enforcement’s decisions about the allocation of resources and begin to craft prevention programs for animal cruelty and other forms of interpersonal violence.


检查执法机构对 NIBRS 中添加虐待动物行为的反应

2014 年,联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米批准将虐待动物行为纳入国家事件报告系统 (NIBRS) A 组,该系统分为 A 组和 B 组犯罪(联邦调查局 [FBI],2016 年) )。 2016 年,参与 NIBRS 的州开始收集虐待动物数据。将虐待动物犯罪纳入 NIBRS 的理由是,大量经验证据表明虐待动物与其他犯罪(尤其是人际暴力)之间存在密切联系。本文分析了各州和地方执法机构如何应对将虐待动物犯罪事件添加到 NIBRS 中,指出报告虐待动物犯罪的采用模式、差距以及任何其他能够明确动物虐待犯罪实施状况的因素。 NIBRS 中的虐待犯罪统计数据。分析方法是首先评估联邦调查局建立的按人群划分的虐待动物事件率,然后计算特拉华州的虐待动物犯罪率,并与美国进行比较,因为特拉华州是唯一设有动物福利办公室的州。通过这种分析,我们可以确定哪些领域有足够的数据来为执法部门的资源分配决策提供信息,并开始制定针对虐待动物和其他形式人际暴力的预防计划。
